
Mitochondrien/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Die Mitochondrien werden auch die Kraftwerke der Zelle genannt. In ihnen wird [[Adenosintriphosphat, ATP|ATP]] gebildet, das als Energielieferant für die Zellen dient und ohne das die Körperfunktionen nicht ablaufen können. In Zellen mit hohem Energieverbrauch befinden sich entsprechend viele Mitochondrien; dabei passt sich die Zahl der Mitochondrien dem Energieverbrauch der Zelle an. So werden nach Beginn eines Lauftrainings erst einmal die Mitochondrien größer und dann werden auch mehr davon in den Muskelzellen der Beine gemessen.
The mitochondria are also called the power plants of the cell. In them [[adenosine triphosphate, ATP|ATP]] is formed, which serves as an energy supplier for the cells and without which the bodily functions cannot take place. In cells with high energy consumption, there are correspondingly many mitochondria; the number of mitochondria adapts to the energy consumption of the cell. After starting a running training, the mitochondria become larger and then more of them are measured in the muscle cells of the legs.
<u></u> [ <sub>Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0</sub>]
<u></u> [ <sub>Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0</sub>]

Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:01 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

The mitochondria are also called the power plants of the cell. In them ATP is formed, which serves as an energy supplier for the cells and without which the bodily functions cannot take place. In cells with high energy consumption, there are correspondingly many mitochondria; the number of mitochondria adapts to the energy consumption of the cell. After starting a running training, the mitochondria become larger and then more of them are measured in the muscle cells of the legs. Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0