
Plasma/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
Cell-free fluids in the organism, e.g. [[blood plasma]], cell plasma
Cell-free fluids in the organism, e.g. [[blood plasma]], cell plasma
Blutplasma; der flüssige, nach Entfernen der Blutkörperchen (durch Zentrifugieren) verbleibende Anteil des ungerinnbar gemachten Blutes (ca. 55%, im Mittel ~ 40-53 ml/kg Körpergewicht). Eine klare, leicht gelbliche Flüssigkeit mit ca. 7-8% Eiweiss (einschl. der Gerinnungsfaktoren, im Gegensatz zu Blutserum).
Blood plasma; the liquid portion of the uncoagulated blood remaining after removal of the blood cells (by centrifugation) (approx. 55%, on average ~ 40-53 ml/kg body weight). A clear, slightly yellowish liquid with about 7-8% protein (including clotting factors, as opposed to blood serum).

Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:13 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Cell-free fluids in the organism, e.g. blood plasma, cell plasma

Blood plasma; the liquid portion of the uncoagulated blood remaining after removal of the blood cells (by centrifugation) (approx. 55%, on average ~ 40-53 ml/kg body weight). A clear, slightly yellowish liquid with about 7-8% protein (including clotting factors, as opposed to blood serum).