
Sympathikusdämpfung bei zentral wirksamen Antihypertensiva/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Die Dämpfung des Sympathikus führt über eine Frequenzabnahme zur Senkung des Herzzeitvolumens. Die verminderte Stimulation peripherer a1-Rezeptoren führt zur Senkung des peripheren Widerstandes. Beide Effekte zusammen führen letztlich zur Blutdrucksenkung.
The damping of the sympathetic nervous system leads to a reduction of the cardiac output via a decrease in frequency. The reduced stimulation of peripheral a1 receptors leads to a reduction of peripheral resistance. Both effects together ultimately lead to a reduction in blood pressure.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:27 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

The damping of the sympathetic nervous system leads to a reduction of the cardiac output via a decrease in frequency. The reduced stimulation of peripheral a1 receptors leads to a reduction of peripheral resistance. Both effects together ultimately lead to a reduction in blood pressure.