
Thrombozyten/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Auto-translated text.)
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
Thrombocytes or blood platelets are the smallest cells in the blood. They are seedless [[cells]] that play an important role in blood coagulation ([[haemostasis]]).  
Thrombocytes or blood platelets are the smallest cells in the blood. They are seedless [[cells]] that play an important role in blood coagulation ([[haemostasis]]).  
Wie [[Erythrozyt]]en sind Thrombozyten keine Zellen im klassischen Sinne, da sie mangels Erbinformation ([[DNA]]) nicht zur Teilung befähigt sind. Ihre Aufgabe ist die Thrombozytenadhäsion (″Thrombozytenanhaftung″), die Thrombozytenaggregation (″Vereinigung″) zum Verschluss von verletzten Blutgefäßen sowie die Freisetzung zahlreicher gerinnungsfördernder Substanzen wie Gerinnungsfaktoren und Botenstoffe.  
Like [[erythrocytes]], thrombocytes are not cells in the classical sense because they are not capable of division due to a lack of genetic information ([[DNA]]). Their task is thrombocyte adhesion (″Thrombozytenanhaftung″), thrombocyte aggregation (″Vereinigung″) for blocking injured blood vessels and the release of numerous coagulation-promoting substances such as coagulation factors and messengers.

Version vom 16. April 2019, 21:30 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Thrombocytes or blood platelets are the smallest cells in the blood. They are seedless cells that play an important role in blood coagulation (haemostasis).

Like erythrocytes, thrombocytes are not cells in the classical sense because they are not capable of division due to a lack of genetic information (DNA). Their task is thrombocyte adhesion (″Thrombozytenanhaftung″), thrombocyte aggregation (″Vereinigung″) for blocking injured blood vessels and the release of numerous coagulation-promoting substances such as coagulation factors and messengers.