
Östrogene/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Auto-translated text.)
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
Estrogens are produced during the entire fertile phase in the egg follicles of the [[ovaries]] and in the placenta and have various functions in the female body. Overall, it is the [[hormone]] that makes the most important contribution to a woman's physical and psychological development and attitude to life.  
Estrogens are produced during the entire fertile phase in the egg follicles of the [[ovaries]] and in the placenta and have various functions in the female body. Overall, it is the [[hormone]] that makes the most important contribution to a woman's physical and psychological development and attitude to life.  
Östrogene haben ab der Pubertät mit der Brustentwicklung, über den monatlichen Zyklus bis hin zum Knochenaufbau und der [[Kollagen]]<nowiki>bildung</nowiki> zur Erhaltung der Hautelastizität, die Hand im Spiel. Sie bewirken die Ausbildung der typischen weiblichen Geschlechtsmerkmale: Brüste, hohe Stimme sowie weibliches Behaarungs- und Fettverteilungsmuster. Sie schaffen die Grundvoraussetzungen für eine Schwangerschaft und für den Sex. Sie wirken stärkend auf Knochen, protektiv auf das Herz und stabilisieren das seelische Gleichgewicht. Östrogene senken den [[Cholesterin]] und führen zu vermehrter Wassereinlagerung im Gewebe.
From puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and [[collagen]]<nowiki>formation</nowiki> to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower [[cholesterol]] and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.

Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:38 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Estrogens are the female sex hormones. The most important estrogens are estrogen, estradiol and estrone. Estrogens are mainly produced in the ovaries, but also in the placenta (placenta), in the adrenal glandcortex and in small amounts in the male testicles. Estrogens play an important role especially in the first half of the female cycle. The estrogen levels in the blood fluctuate enormously during the course of the cycle.

Estrogens are produced during the entire fertile phase in the egg follicles of the ovaries and in the placenta and have various functions in the female body. Overall, it is the hormone that makes the most important contribution to a woman's physical and psychological development and attitude to life.

From puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and collagenformation to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower cholesterol and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.

Folgende Östrogen-Arten gibt es:

  • Natürliche Östrogene
  • Estron
  • Estradiol
  • EstriolSynthetische Estrogene
  • Ethinylestradiol
  • Mestranol
  • Stilbestrol

Weil im englischen Alphabet kein ″Ö″ vorkommt und die medizinische Sprache international ist, werden in aktuellen Veröffentlichungen die Namen der Östrogene häufig mit einem «E» geschrieben. (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)