
Translations:Diffusion/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Compensation of [[concentration difference|concentration differences]] in solutions or [[gases|gases]] due to the heat movement of material particles. Diffusion also occurs through membranes, as far as the physical properties of the particles (size, water shell, electrical charge, water and lipid solubility) and the membrane (pore size, chemical structure, electrical charge) permit. Diffusion is the directional distribution of particles in space. Particles diffuse voluntarily - without having to expend energy - along their [[concentration gradient|concentration gradient]]. This means: from the place of higher concentration to the place of lower concentration. We can also say that the particles strive to distribute themselves optimally in space or to migrate where there are few, i.e. where there is a lot of space. The diffused quantity per time unit depends on the size of the exchange surface, the length of the diffusion path and the concentration gradient of the respective gas.
Compensation of [[Konzentrationsdifferenz/en|concentration differences]] in solutions or [[Gase/en|gases]] due to the heat movement of material particles. Diffusion also occurs through membranes, as far as the physical properties of the particles (size, water shell, electrical charge, water and lipid solubility) and the membrane (pore size, chemical structure, electrical charge) permit. Diffusion is the directional distribution of particles in space. Particles diffuse voluntarily - without having to expend energy - along their [[Konzentrationsgradient/en|concentration gradient]]. This means: from the place of higher concentration to the place of lower concentration. We can also say that the particles strive to distribute themselves optimally in space or to migrate where there are few, i.e. where there is a lot of space. The diffused quantity per time unit depends on the size of the exchange surface, the length of the diffusion path and the concentration gradient of the respective gas.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:24 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Diffusion)
Ausgleich von [[Konzentrationsdifferenz|Konzentrationsunterschieden]] in Lösungen oder [[Gase|Gasen]] infolge der Wärmebewegung von Stoffteilchen. Die Diffusion erfolgt auch durch Membranen hindurch, soweit die physikalischen Eigenschaften der Teilchen (Größe, Wasserhülle, elektrische Ladung, Wasser- und Lipidlöslichkeit) und der Membran (Porengröße, chemischer Aufbau, elektrische Ladung) dies erlauben. Diffusion ist die gerichtete Verteilung von Teilchen im Raum. Dabei diffundieren Teilchen freiwillig - ohne Energie aufwenden zu müssen - entlang ihres [[Konzentrationsgradient|Konzentrationsgradienten]]. Das heißt: vom Ort höherer Konzentration zum Ort niedriger Konzentration. Wir können auch sagen: Die Teilchen haben das Bestreben, sich im Raum optimal zu verteilen oder dahin zu wandern, wo wenige sind, also viel Platz ist. Die pro Zeiteinheit diffundierte Stoffmenge hängt ab von der Größe der Austauschfläche, der Länge der Diffusionsstrecke und dem Konzentrationsgradienten des jeweiligen Gases.
ÜbersetzungCompensation of [[Konzentrationsdifferenz/en|concentration differences]] in solutions or [[Gase/en|gases]] due to the heat movement of material particles. Diffusion also occurs through membranes, as far as the physical properties of the particles (size, water shell, electrical charge, water and lipid solubility) and the membrane (pore size, chemical structure, electrical charge) permit. Diffusion is the directional distribution of particles in space. Particles diffuse voluntarily - without having to expend energy - along their [[Konzentrationsgradient/en|concentration gradient]]. This means: from the place of higher concentration to the place of lower concentration. We can also say that the particles strive to distribute themselves optimally in space or to migrate where there are few, i.e. where there is a lot of space. The diffused quantity per time unit depends on the size of the exchange surface, the length of the diffusion path and the concentration gradient of the respective gas.

Compensation of concentration differences in solutions or gases due to the heat movement of material particles. Diffusion also occurs through membranes, as far as the physical properties of the particles (size, water shell, electrical charge, water and lipid solubility) and the membrane (pore size, chemical structure, electrical charge) permit. Diffusion is the directional distribution of particles in space. Particles diffuse voluntarily - without having to expend energy - along their concentration gradient. This means: from the place of higher concentration to the place of lower concentration. We can also say that the particles strive to distribute themselves optimally in space or to migrate where there are few, i.e. where there is a lot of space. The diffused quantity per time unit depends on the size of the exchange surface, the length of the diffusion path and the concentration gradient of the respective gas.