
Translations:Kreatinin, Kreatinin-Clearance/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Creatinine is a degradation product of creatine phosphate which serves as a fast energy supplier in muscle tissue. Creatinine as a urinary substance is filtered exclusively in the glomerulus, the determination of its ([[physiological|physiological]]) clearance of 95-150 ml/min is therefore suitable as a functional test to assess the filtration performance () of the kidney.
Creatinine is a degradation product of creatine phosphate which serves as a fast energy supplier in muscle tissue. Creatinine as a urinary substance is filtered exclusively in the glomerulus, the determination of its ([[Physiologisch/en|physiological]]) clearance of 95-150 ml/min is therefore suitable as a functional test to assess the filtration performance () of the kidney.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Kreatinin, Kreatinin-Clearance)
Kreatinin ist ein Abbauprodukt des im Muskelgewebe als schneller Energielieferant dienenden Kreatinphosphats. Kreatinin als harnpflichtige Substanz wird ausschließlich im Glomerulus filtriert, die Bestimmung seiner ([[physiologisch|physiologischen]]) Clearance von 95-150 ml/Min eignet sich deshalb als Funktionstest zur Beurteilung der Filtrationsleistung () der Niere.
ÜbersetzungCreatinine is a degradation product of creatine phosphate which serves as a fast energy supplier in muscle tissue. Creatinine as a urinary substance is filtered exclusively in the glomerulus, the determination of its ([[Physiologisch/en|physiological]]) clearance of 95-150 ml/min is therefore suitable as a functional test to assess the filtration performance () of the kidney.

Creatinine is a degradation product of creatine phosphate which serves as a fast energy supplier in muscle tissue. Creatinine as a urinary substance is filtered exclusively in the glomerulus, the determination of its (physiological) clearance of 95-150 ml/min is therefore suitable as a functional test to assess the filtration performance () of the kidney.