
Translations:Tumor, maligne/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Malignant [[tumor]] originate from cells that have transformed into [[cancer]]<nowiki>cells</nowiki> - a process that we still do not fully understand. Cancer cells no longer perform the functions that are characteristic of the tissue from which they have developed. Malignant tumors usually grow rapidly. They often consist of undifferentiated tissues with irregular cell structure and infiltrate and destroy their environment through diffuse growth. They also have the ability to settle in other parts of the body ([[metastasis]]). The uninhibited spread of malignant tumours usually leads to pathogenic side effects and sooner or later to death.
Malignant [[Tumor/en|tumor]] originate from cells that have transformed into [[Krebs/en|cancer]]<nowiki>cells</nowiki> - a process that we still do not fully understand. Cancer cells no longer perform the functions that are characteristic of the tissue from which they have developed. Malignant tumors usually grow rapidly. They often consist of undifferentiated tissues with irregular cell structure and infiltrate and destroy their environment through diffuse growth. They also have the ability to settle in other parts of the body ([[Metastasierung/en|metastasis]]). The uninhibited spread of malignant tumours usually leads to pathogenic side effects and sooner or later to death.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:27 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Tumor, maligne)
Maligne [[Tumor]]en entstehen aus Zellen, die sich in [[Krebs]]<nowiki>zellen</nowiki> umgewandelt haben - ein Vorgang, den wir bis heute noch nicht völlig verstehen. Krebszellen üben nicht mehr die Funktionen aus, die für das Gewebe, aus dem sie sich entwickelt haben, charakteristisch sind. Maligne Tumoren wachsen in der Regel rasch. Sie bestehen häufig aus undifferenzierten Geweben mit unregelmäßiger Zellstruktur und infiltrieren und zerstören ihre Umgebung durch diffuses Wachstum. Sie haben zudem die Fähigkeit, sich in anderen Körperpartien anzusiedeln ([[Metastasierung]]). Die ungehemmte Ausbreitung von malignen Tumoren führt in der Regel zu krankmachenden Begleiterscheinungen und früher oder später zum Tode.
ÜbersetzungMalignant [[Tumor/en|tumor]] originate from cells that have transformed into [[Krebs/en|cancer]]<nowiki>cells</nowiki> - a process that we still do not fully understand. Cancer cells no longer perform the functions that are characteristic of the tissue from which they have developed. Malignant tumors usually grow rapidly. They often consist of undifferentiated tissues with irregular cell structure and infiltrate and destroy their environment through diffuse growth. They also have the ability to settle in other parts of the body ([[Metastasierung/en|metastasis]]). The uninhibited spread of malignant tumours usually leads to pathogenic side effects and sooner or later to death.

Malignant tumor originate from cells that have transformed into cancercells - a process that we still do not fully understand. Cancer cells no longer perform the functions that are characteristic of the tissue from which they have developed. Malignant tumors usually grow rapidly. They often consist of undifferentiated tissues with irregular cell structure and infiltrate and destroy their environment through diffuse growth. They also have the ability to settle in other parts of the body (metastasis). The uninhibited spread of malignant tumours usually leads to pathogenic side effects and sooner or later to death.