
Translations:Virus-Taxonomie/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Virus taxonomy refers to the internationally binding naming of [[viruses|viruses]], virus families and virus genera. The decision on different taxa is discussed and decided by an international body, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), an attempt to systematically and uniformly organize the diversity of viral and subviral entities (including prions and retrotransposons) based on the taxonomy of plants or animals. It must not be confused with the broader concept of virus classification, in which various properties of [[viruses|viruses]] can be used for classification (for example, only genome structure, Baltimore classification, host species, type of transmission, etc.).In the currently valid publication of the ICTV (8th Report 2004), many, otherwise perhaps common terms are not found, since no uniform opinion could yet be found on their taxonomic classification. For the recognised criteria of taxonomic classification, see ICTV.
Virus taxonomy refers to the internationally binding naming of [[Viren/en|viruses]], virus families and virus genera. The decision on different taxa is discussed and decided by an international body, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), an attempt to systematically and uniformly organize the diversity of viral and subviral entities (including prions and retrotransposons) based on the taxonomy of plants or animals. It must not be confused with the broader concept of virus classification, in which various properties of [[Viren/en|viruses]] can be used for classification (for example, only genome structure, Baltimore classification, host species, type of transmission, etc.).In the currently valid publication of the ICTV (8th Report 2004), many, otherwise perhaps common terms are not found, since no uniform opinion could yet be found on their taxonomic classification. For the recognised criteria of taxonomic classification, see ICTV.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:27 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Virus-Taxonomie)
Als Virus-Taxonomie bezeichnet man die international verbindliche Benennung von [[Viren|Viren]], Virusfamilien und -gattungen. Die Entscheidung über verschiedene Taxa wird von einem internationalen Gremium, dem International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) beraten und entschieden.Die Virus-Taxonomie ist ein an die Taxonomie von Pflanzen oder Tieren angelehnter Versuch, die Vielfältigkeit viraler und subviraler Entitäten (auch Prionen und Retrotransposons) systematisch und einheitlich zu ordnen. Sie darf nicht mit dem weitergefaßten Begriff der Virusklassifikation verwechselt werden, bei der verschiedene Eigenschaften von [[Viren|Viren]] zur Einteilung herangezogen werden können (zum Beispiel nur Genomstruktur, Baltimore-Klassifikation, Wirtsspezies, Übertragungsart etc.).In der derzeit gültigen Veröffentlichung des ICTV (8. Bericht 2004) finden sich viele, sonst vielleicht übliche Bezeichnungen nicht, da über deren taxonomische Zuordnung noch keine einheitliche Meinung gefunden werden konnte. Über die anerkannten Kriterien der taxonomischen Einteilung siehe ICTV.
ÜbersetzungVirus taxonomy refers to the internationally binding naming of [[Viren/en|viruses]], virus families and virus genera. The decision on different taxa is discussed and decided by an international body, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), an attempt to systematically and uniformly organize the diversity of viral and subviral entities (including prions and retrotransposons) based on the taxonomy of plants or animals. It must not be confused with the broader concept of virus classification, in which various properties of [[Viren/en|viruses]] can be used for classification (for example, only genome structure, Baltimore classification, host species, type of transmission, etc.).In the currently valid publication of the ICTV (8th Report 2004), many, otherwise perhaps common terms are not found, since no uniform opinion could yet be found on their taxonomic classification. For the recognised criteria of taxonomic classification, see ICTV.

Virus taxonomy refers to the internationally binding naming of viruses, virus families and virus genera. The decision on different taxa is discussed and decided by an international body, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), an attempt to systematically and uniformly organize the diversity of viral and subviral entities (including prions and retrotransposons) based on the taxonomy of plants or animals. It must not be confused with the broader concept of virus classification, in which various properties of viruses can be used for classification (for example, only genome structure, Baltimore classification, host species, type of transmission, etc.).In the currently valid publication of the ICTV (8th Report 2004), many, otherwise perhaps common terms are not found, since no uniform opinion could yet be found on their taxonomic classification. For the recognised criteria of taxonomic classification, see ICTV.