
Translations:Truncus coeliacus/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The truncus coeliacus supplies a (left) part of the [[Magen|en|stomach]] via the arteria gastrica sinistra as well as the [[Leber/en|liver]] and the [[Milz/en|spleen]].
The truncus coeliacus supplies a (left) part of the [[Magen/en|stomach]] via the arteria gastrica sinistra as well as the [[Leber/en|liver]] and the [[Milz/en|spleen]].

Aktuelle Version vom 14. März 2020, 08:22 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Truncus coeliacus)
Der Truncus coeliacus versorgt einen (linken) Teil des Magens über die Arteria gastrica sinistra sowie die [[Leber]] und die [[Milz]].
ÜbersetzungThe truncus coeliacus supplies a (left) part of the [[Magen/en|stomach]] via the arteria gastrica sinistra as well as the [[Leber/en|liver]] and the [[Milz/en|spleen]].

The truncus coeliacus supplies a (left) part of the stomach via the arteria gastrica sinistra as well as the liver and the spleen.