
Hämostase/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
Hemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to [[Blutgefäße/en|blood vessels]] to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of [[blut/en|blood]] from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.  
Hemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to [[Blutgefäße/en|blood vessels]] to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of [[blut/en|blood]] from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.  
Die Blutstillung muss im Fall einer Verletzung hinreichend schnell einsetzen, um größeren Blutverlust zu vermeiden. Sie muss auf den Bereich der Verletzung beschränkt bleiben und darf nicht fälschlicherweise durch andere Ereignisse wie [[Entzündung]]en oder [[Infektion]]en ausgelöst werden.  
Hemostasis must begin sufficiently quickly in the event of an injury to prevent major blood loss. It must be limited to the area of injury and not be falsely triggered by other events such as [[Entzündung/en|inflammation]]s or [[Infektion/en|infection]]s.  
Den wichtigsten Part bei der primären Hämostase spielen die kernlosen und aus dem [[Knochenmark]] stammenden [[Thrombozyten]]. Davon finden wir im Blut pro Mikroliter 150'000 - 400'000. Die Zahl der Thrombozyten ist bei Infektionskrankheiten oft erhöht. Dies hat zur Folge das ein Patient eine Neigung zu Thrombenbildung hat und wir sprechen von einer ThrombozytoseSinkt die Thrombozytenzahl liegt eine [[Thrombozytopenien|Thrombozytopenie]] vor und dies kann die primäre Hämostase massiv stören.
The most important part in primary hemostasis is played by [[Thrombozyten/en|platelets]], which are nucleated and originate from the [[Knochenmark/en|bone marrow]]. We find 150'000 - 400'000 of them in the blood per microliter. The number of platelets is often increased in infectious diseases. As a result, a patient has a tendency to thrombus formation and we speak of thrombocytosisIf the platelet count decreases, a [[Thrombozytopenien/en|thrombocytopenia]] is present and this can massively disturb primary hemostasis.

Aktuelle Version vom 21. Februar 2022, 07:54 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Hemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to blood vessels to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of blood from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.

Hemostasis must begin sufficiently quickly in the event of an injury to prevent major blood loss. It must be limited to the area of injury and not be falsely triggered by other events such as inflammations or infections.

The most important part in primary hemostasis is played by platelets, which are nucleated and originate from the bone marrow. We find 150'000 - 400'000 of them in the blood per microliter. The number of platelets is often increased in infectious diseases. As a result, a patient has a tendency to thrombus formation and we speak of thrombocytosis. If the platelet count decreases, a thrombocytopenia is present and this can massively disturb primary hemostasis.