
Translations:Leberläppchen/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Liver lobules are the smallest functional unit of the [[liver]]. The central vein is located in the middle of a hexagonal liver lobule. The liver cells or hepatocytes accumulate radiating from the centre. Between these strands of hepatocytes are the capillary region of the liver, the blood lakes or liver sinusoids. In the hepatic sinusoids, the arterial blood of the hepatic artery mixes with the venous blood of the portal vein. This "mixed blood" then flows centrally to the central vein of the liver lobule. The outflowing central veins of all hepatic lobules collect the blood in ever larger veins until it flows into one of the three large hepatic veins (Vv.hepaticae) and from there into the lower vena cava and to the heart.
Liver lobules are the smallest functional unit of the [[Leber/en|liver]]. The central vein is located in the middle of a hexagonal liver lobule. The liver cells or hepatocytes accumulate radiating from the centre. Between these strands of hepatocytes are the capillary region of the liver, the blood lakes or liver sinusoids. In the hepatic sinusoids, the arterial blood of the hepatic artery mixes with the venous blood of the portal vein. This "mixed blood" then flows centrally to the central vein of the liver lobule. The outflowing central veins of all hepatic lobules collect the blood in ever larger veins until it flows into one of the three large hepatic veins (Vv.hepaticae) and from there into the lower vena cava and to the heart.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Leberläppchen)
Leberläppchen sind die kleinste funktionelle Einheit der [[Leber]].
In der Mitte eines sechseckigen Leberläppchens befindet sich die Zentralvene. Strahlenförmig von der Mitte ausgehend, lagern sich die Leberzellen oder Hepatozyten an. Zwischen diesen Strängen aus Hepatozyten, befinden sich das Kapillargebiet der Leber, die Blutseen oder Lebersinusoide. In den Lebersinusoiden mischt sich das arterielle Blut der Leberarterie mit dem venösen Blut der Pfortader. Dieses «Mischblut» fließt dann mittig zur Zentralvene des Leberläppchens. Die abfließenden Zentralvenen aller Leberläppchen sammeln das Blut in immer größer werdenden Venen, bis es in eine der drei großen Lebervenen (Vv.hepaticae) fließt und von dort dann in die untere Hohlvene und zum Herzen.
ÜbersetzungLiver lobules are the smallest functional unit of the [[Leber/en|liver]]. The central vein is located in the middle of a hexagonal liver lobule. The liver cells or hepatocytes accumulate radiating from the centre. Between these strands of hepatocytes are the capillary region of the liver, the blood lakes or liver sinusoids. In the hepatic sinusoids, the arterial blood of the hepatic artery mixes with the venous blood of the portal vein. This "mixed blood" then flows centrally to the central vein of the liver lobule. The outflowing central veins of all hepatic lobules collect the blood in ever larger veins until it flows into one of the three large hepatic veins (Vv.hepaticae) and from there into the lower vena cava and to the heart.

Liver lobules are the smallest functional unit of the liver. The central vein is located in the middle of a hexagonal liver lobule. The liver cells or hepatocytes accumulate radiating from the centre. Between these strands of hepatocytes are the capillary region of the liver, the blood lakes or liver sinusoids. In the hepatic sinusoids, the arterial blood of the hepatic artery mixes with the venous blood of the portal vein. This "mixed blood" then flows centrally to the central vein of the liver lobule. The outflowing central veins of all hepatic lobules collect the blood in ever larger veins until it flows into one of the three large hepatic veins (Vv.hepaticae) and from there into the lower vena cava and to the heart.