
Translations:Mikrozirkulation/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Perfusion is actively modified by the smooth muscles of the small arteries ([[arterioles]], which in turn are influenced by local metabolic, nervous and hormonal mechanisms as well as ions) in terms of adapting the driving pressure gradient and transmural pressure to local needs. Here also a part of the blood plasma water (possibly also parts of the [[plasma proteins]]) escapes through the capillary endothelia into the [[interstitium]], in order to leave it again, after perfusion or [[diffusion]], at the venous part of the capillaries and through lymph capillaries.
Perfusion is actively modified by the smooth muscles of the small arteries ([[Arteriolen/en|arterioles]], which in turn are influenced by local metabolic, nervous and hormonal mechanisms as well as ions) in terms of adapting the driving pressure gradient and transmural pressure to local needs. Here also a part of the blood plasma water (possibly also parts of the [[Plasmaproteine/en|plasma proteins]]) escapes through the capillary endothelia into the [[Interstitium/en|interstitium]], in order to leave it again, after perfusion or [[Diffusion/en|diffusion]], at the venous part of the capillaries and through lymph capillaries.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:26 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Mikrozirkulation)
Die Perfusion (Durchströmung) wird aktiv modifiziert durch die glatten Muskeln der kleinen Arterien ([[Arteriolen]], welche ihrerseits durch örtliche metabolische, nervöse und hormonelle Mechanismen sowie Ionen beeinflusst werden) i.S. der Anpassung des treibenden Druckgradienten und des transmuralen Drucks an die örtl. Bedürfnisse. Hier tritt auch ein Teil des Blut Plasmawassers (evtl. auch Teile der [[Plasmaproteine]]) durch die Kapillarendothelien in das [[Interstitium]] aus, um es, nach Perfusion bzw. [[Diffusion]], am venösen Teil der Kapillaren und durch Lymphkapillaren wieder zu verlassen.
ÜbersetzungPerfusion is actively modified by the smooth muscles of the small arteries ([[Arteriolen/en|arterioles]], which in turn are influenced by local metabolic, nervous and hormonal mechanisms as well as ions) in terms of adapting the driving pressure gradient and transmural pressure to local needs. Here also a part of the blood plasma water (possibly also parts of the [[Plasmaproteine/en|plasma proteins]]) escapes through the capillary endothelia into the [[Interstitium/en|interstitium]], in order to leave it again, after perfusion or [[Diffusion/en|diffusion]], at the venous part of the capillaries and through lymph capillaries.

Perfusion is actively modified by the smooth muscles of the small arteries (arterioles, which in turn are influenced by local metabolic, nervous and hormonal mechanisms as well as ions) in terms of adapting the driving pressure gradient and transmural pressure to local needs. Here also a part of the blood plasma water (possibly also parts of the plasma proteins) escapes through the capillary endothelia into the interstitium, in order to leave it again, after perfusion or diffusion, at the venous part of the capillaries and through lymph capillaries.