
Parenterale Applikation/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Bei der parenteralen Applikation gelangt der Arzneistoff durch Injektion (Injektionslösung) direkt ins Körperinnere. Diese Applikationsart vermeidet die Nachteile der oralen Einnahme, erfordert aber eine sterile Injektionstechnik. Folgende Injektionsarten werden angewendet:A. Unter Umgehung der Resorption: * Intravenöse Zufuhr (i.v.), * Intraarterielle Zufuhr (i.a.), * Intrakardiale Zufuhr (direkt ins Herz), * Intraspinale Zufuhr (direkt in den  Rückenmarkskanal), * Intralumbale Zufuhr (direkt in den  Subarachnoidalraum).B. Unter Einschaltung einer Resorption: * Intramuskuläre Zufuhr (i.m.), * Intracutane Zufuhr (i.c.), * Subcutane Zufuhr (s.c.), * Percutane Zufuhr (p.c.), * Intraperitoneale Zufuhr (i.p.).
In parenteral administration, the drug is injected (injection solution) directly into the inside of the body. This type of application avoids the disadvantages of oral administration, but requires a sterile injection technique. The following injection types are used:A. Bypassing resorption: * Intravenous supply (i.v.), * Intraarterial supply (i.a.), * Intracardial supply (directly into the heart), * Intraspinal supply (directly into the spinal cord canal), * Intralumbar supply (directly into the subarachnoid space).B. With activation of resorption: * Intramuscular supply (i.m.), * Intracutaneous supply (i.c.), * Subcutaneous supply (s.c.), * Percutaneous supply (p.c.), * Intraperitoneal supply (i.p.).

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:10 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

In parenteral administration, the drug is injected (injection solution) directly into the inside of the body. This type of application avoids the disadvantages of oral administration, but requires a sterile injection technique. The following injection types are used:A. Bypassing resorption: * Intravenous supply (i.v.), * Intraarterial supply (i.a.), * Intracardial supply (directly into the heart), * Intraspinal supply (directly into the spinal cord canal), * Intralumbar supply (directly into the subarachnoid space).B. With activation of resorption: * Intramuscular supply (i.m.), * Intracutaneous supply (i.c.), * Subcutaneous supply (s.c.), * Percutaneous supply (p.c.), * Intraperitoneal supply (i.p.).