
Translations:Physiologisch/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
to the [[physiology]], but also - in contrast to the pathological states and processes described as [[pathological]] - to identify more or less precisely defined (normal) functional norms.
to the [[Physiologie/en|physiology]], but also - in contrast to the pathological states and processes described as [[Pathologisch/en|pathological]] - to identify more or less precisely defined (normal) functional norms.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:26 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Physiologisch)
auf die [[Physiologie]] bezogen, aber auch - im Gegensatz zu den als [[pathologisch]] bezeichneten krankhaften Zuständen und Prozessen - zur Kennzeichnung von mehr oder weniger genau definierten (normalen) Funktionsnormen benutzt.
Übersetzungto the [[Physiologie/en|physiology]], but also - in contrast to the pathological states and processes described as [[Pathologisch/en|pathological]] - to identify more or less precisely defined (normal) functional norms.

to the physiology, but also - in contrast to the pathological states and processes described as pathological - to identify more or less precisely defined (normal) functional norms.