
Tumor, benigne/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Benigne Tumoren zeichnen sich durch langsames, umschriebenes Wachstum aus. Einige dieser gutartigen Tumoren stellen ihr Wachstum plötzlich wieder ein und bilden gut abgegrenzte Tumoren, die von einer Bindegewebekapsel umgeben sind. Dazu gehören z.B. Lipome und  Fibrome. Andere wiederum wachsen expansiv und können normales Gewebe verdrängen. Eine Gewebezerstörung findet in der Regel jedoch nicht statt. 
Benigne Tumoren bestehen meist aus gut differenziertem Gewebe mit regelmässiger Zellstruktur. Typische Zellteilungsfiguren wie z.B. der Spindelapparat sind sehr selten (Näheres siehe Kurs Zytologie). Im Gegensatz zu bösartigen Tumoren metastasieren gutartige Geschwülste aber nicht. 
Eine Lebensbedrohung durch solche Tumoren entsteht nur dann, wenn eine natürliche Passage wie in der Trachea, den Ureteren oder im Gastrointestinaltrakt behindert wird (Verengung und Verschluss von Hohlorganen). Diese Tumoren können meist chirurgisch radikal (d.h. in ihrer Gesamtheit, mit ihrer Wurzel) entfernt werden und neigen kaum zu Rezidiven.
Benign tumors are characterized by slow, circumscribed growth. Some of these benign tumors suddenly stop growing and form well-defined tumors surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. These include, for example, lipomas and fibromas. Others grow expansively and can displace normal tissue. However, tissue destruction usually does not take place. Benigne Tumours usually consist of well differentiated tissue with a regular cell structure. Typical cell division figures, such as the spindle apparatus, are very rare (for more details, see the cytology course). However, in contrast to malignant tumours, benign tumours do not metastasise. Eine The life-threatening effects of such tumours only arise when a natural passage, such as in the trachea, the ureters or in the gastrointestinal tract, is obstructed (narrowing and occlusion of hollow organs). These tumours can usually be surgically removed radically (i.e. in their entirety, with their roots) and are hardly prone to recurrence.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:32 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Benign tumors are characterized by slow, circumscribed growth. Some of these benign tumors suddenly stop growing and form well-defined tumors surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. These include, for example, lipomas and fibromas. Others grow expansively and can displace normal tissue. However, tissue destruction usually does not take place. Benigne Tumours usually consist of well differentiated tissue with a regular cell structure. Typical cell division figures, such as the spindle apparatus, are very rare (for more details, see the cytology course). However, in contrast to malignant tumours, benign tumours do not metastasise. Eine The life-threatening effects of such tumours only arise when a natural passage, such as in the trachea, the ureters or in the gastrointestinal tract, is obstructed (narrowing and occlusion of hollow organs). These tumours can usually be surgically removed radically (i.e. in their entirety, with their roots) and are hardly prone to recurrence.