
Translations:Menisken/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Fixed wikilinks.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The task of the meniscus is to improve the guidance and contact of the joint surfaces ([[Gelenkknorpel/en|articular cartilage]]), for example from thigh to lower leg, it also contributes through its height to the tightening of the ligaments and thus to the improvement of lateral ligament strength and buffers the joint surfaces against impacts.
The task of the meniscus is to improve the guidance and contact of the joint surfaces ([[Gelenkknorpel/en|articular cartilage]]), for example from thigh to lower leg, it also contributes through its height to the tightening of the ligaments and thus to the improvement of lateral [[Bänder/en|ligament]] strength and buffers the joint surfaces against impacts.

Aktuelle Version vom 12. Januar 2020, 14:02 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Menisken)
Die Aufgabe des Meniskus ist es, die Führung und den Kontakt der Gelenkflächen ([[Gelenkknorpel]]), zum Beispiel von Oberschenkel zu Unterschenkel, zu verbessern, außerdem trägt er durch seine Höhe zur Straffung der Bänder und dadurch zur Verbesserung der Seitenbandkraft bei und puffert die Gelenkflächen gegen Stöße ab.
ÜbersetzungThe task of the meniscus is to improve the guidance and contact of the joint surfaces ([[Gelenkknorpel/en|articular cartilage]]), for example from thigh to lower leg, it also contributes through its height to the tightening of the ligaments and thus to the improvement of lateral [[Bänder/en|ligament]] strength and buffers the joint surfaces against impacts.

The task of the meniscus is to improve the guidance and contact of the joint surfaces (articular cartilage), for example from thigh to lower leg, it also contributes through its height to the tightening of the ligaments and thus to the improvement of lateral ligament strength and buffers the joint surfaces against impacts.