
Translations:Noradrenalin/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Noradrenalin is one of the most important messengers of the central nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Heart, circulation, respiration, metabolism and gastrointestinal functions are controlled by the [[Vegetatives_Nervensystem/en|vegetative nervous system]]. This explains why some people react to stress with their stomach and intestines. Like adrenaline, noradrenaline increases blood pressure, but does not change the minute volume and even lowers the pulse rate. Noradrenalin centrally controls mental and psychological stress adaptation. It also increases motivation, attention and mental motivation. In the short term, however, noradrenalin inhibits the immune response. Therefore, [[Entzündung/en|inflammation]] may occur under permanent stress. Permanent stress can also lead to norepinephrine deficiency, resulting in impaired mental performance and depression.
Noradrenalin is one of the most important messengers of the central nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Heart, circulation, respiration, metabolism and gastrointestinal functions are controlled by the [[Vegetatives_Nervensystem/en|vegetative nervous system]]. This explains why some people react to stress with their stomach and intestines. Like adrenaline, noradrenaline increases blood pressure, but does not change the minute volume and even lowers the pulse rate.  
Noradrenalin centrally controls mental and psychological stress adaptation. It also increases motivation, attention and mental motivation. In the short term, however, noradrenalin inhibits the immune response. Therefore, [[Entzündung/en|inflammation]] may occur under permanent stress. Permanent stress can also lead to norepinephrine deficiency, resulting in impaired mental performance and depression.

Aktuelle Version vom 12. Juli 2019, 19:52 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Noradrenalin)
Noradrenalin ist einer der wichtigsten Botenstoffe des zentralen Nervensystems und des Sympathikus. Herz, Kreislauf, Atmung, Stoffwechsel und die Magen-Darmfunktionen werden durch das [[vegetatives Nervensystem|vegetative Nervensystem]] gesteuert. Das erklärt, warum manche Menschen mit Magen und Darm auf eine Stressbelastung reagieren. Noradrenalin steigert wie das Adrenalin den Blutdruck, verändert aber nicht das Minutenvolumen und senkt sogar die Pulsfrequenz. Zentral steuert Noradrenalin die mentale und psychische Stressanpassung. Im Weiteren steigert es die Motivation, die Aufmerksamkeit und die geistige Leistungsbereitschaft. Kurzfristig hemmt Noradrenalin jedoch die Immunreaktion|Immunfunktion. Daher kann es bei Dauerbelastung zu [[Entzündung]]en kommen. Dauerstress kann auch zu Noradrenalin-Mangel führen, so dass die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit beeinträchtigt wird und Depressionen auftreten.
ÜbersetzungNoradrenalin is one of the most important messengers of the central nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Heart, circulation, respiration, metabolism and gastrointestinal functions are controlled by the [[Vegetatives_Nervensystem/en|vegetative nervous system]]. This explains why some people react to stress with their stomach and intestines. Like adrenaline, noradrenaline increases blood pressure, but does not change the minute volume and even lowers the pulse rate. 

Noradrenalin centrally controls mental and psychological stress adaptation. It also increases motivation, attention and mental motivation. In the short term, however, noradrenalin inhibits the immune response. Therefore, [[Entzündung/en|inflammation]] may occur under permanent stress. Permanent stress can also lead to norepinephrine deficiency, resulting in impaired mental performance and depression.

Noradrenalin is one of the most important messengers of the central nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Heart, circulation, respiration, metabolism and gastrointestinal functions are controlled by the vegetative nervous system. This explains why some people react to stress with their stomach and intestines. Like adrenaline, noradrenaline increases blood pressure, but does not change the minute volume and even lowers the pulse rate.

Noradrenalin centrally controls mental and psychological stress adaptation. It also increases motivation, attention and mental motivation. In the short term, however, noradrenalin inhibits the immune response. Therefore, inflammation may occur under permanent stress. Permanent stress can also lead to norepinephrine deficiency, resulting in impaired mental performance and depression.