
Translations:Obstipation/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
This movement disorder can lead to constipation and chronic intestinal diseases, which is why all other measures, especially dietary ones, should be used to the full. Laxatives should be prepared first with swelling or filling agents. The herbal laxatives of this active principle also lead to water and salt losses. The loss of potassium causes a new constipation. Very quickly, the patient becomes dependent on laxatives and, as a result, intestinal mucous membrane is damaged in the long term.
Movement disorders of the bowel can result in constipation and lead to chronic bowel disease.

Aktuelle Version vom 18. Februar 2022, 08:45 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Obstipation)
Eine Bewegungsstörung des Darms kann eine Verstopfung zur Folge haben und zu chronischen Darmerkrankungen führen.
ÜbersetzungMovement disorders of the bowel can result in constipation and lead to chronic bowel disease.

Movement disorders of the bowel can result in constipation and lead to chronic bowel disease.