
Peripherer Widerstand/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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peripherer Gefäßwiderstand, gegen die Bewegung des Blutes durch Herzkraft gerichteter Widerstand ,der in den Geweben eingebetteten Blutgefäße, entweder als Gesamtwiderstand des gesamten hinter den Kammerausgängen liegenden Gefäßsystems, oder als Widerstand von einzelnen Strombahn-Abschnitten, z.B. des Lungenkreislaufs, oder des Versorgungsgebietes einer Koronararterie. Der periphere Widerstand wird beeinflußt durch das endokrine RAA-System, die Aktivität lokaler RA-Systeme und den Sympathikus.
peripheral vascular resistance, resistance of the blood vessels embedded in the tissues, directed against the movement of the blood by heart force, either as total resistance of the entire vascular system lying behind the ventricular outlets, or as resistance of individual current path sections, e.g. the pulmonary circulation, or the supply area of a coronary artery. The peripheral resistance is influenced by the endocrine RAA system, the activity of local RA systems and the sympathetic nervous system.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:11 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

peripheral vascular resistance, resistance of the blood vessels embedded in the tissues, directed against the movement of the blood by heart force, either as total resistance of the entire vascular system lying behind the ventricular outlets, or as resistance of individual current path sections, e.g. the pulmonary circulation, or the supply area of a coronary artery. The peripheral resistance is influenced by the endocrine RAA system, the activity of local RA systems and the sympathetic nervous system.