
Thrombose/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Bildung von Blutpfropfen innerhalb der Venen; Blutgerinnung, auch die intravitale Thrombusbildung im Kreislaufsystem. Prädilektionsstellen: Herzklappen, -ohren (oft Kugelthrombus) und linke Herzspitze, Herzkranzgefäße, basale Hirngefäße, Arteria mesenterica (Claudicatio abdominalis) und Beinarterien sowie Venen der Beine und des Beckens, des Mastdarms (Hämorrhoidalthrombose) und des Armes. Häufig postoperativ (und postpartal), meist an tiefen Beinvenen, evtl. kompliziert durch Thrombembolie (z.B. Lungenembolie). Bei gesteigerter Thromboseneigung kann generalisierte (z.B. bei Herzinsuffizienz, Schock, Bettlägerigkeit, langes Stillsitzen) oder lokale (Kompression, entzündliche oder atherosklerotische Gefäßveränderungen).
Formation of blood clots within the veins; blood coagulation, also intravital thrombus formation in the circulatory system. Predilection sites: Heart valves, ears (often spherical thrombus) and left apex, coronary vessels, basal brain vessels, arteria mesenterica (claudicatio abdominalis) and leg arteries as well as veins of the legs and pelvis, rectum (haemorrhoid thrombosis) and arm. Frequently postoperative (and postpartum), mostly on deep leg veins, possibly complicated by thrombemia (e.g. pulmonary embolism). If the tendency to thrombosis is increased, generalized (e.g. cardiac insufficiency, shock, bedriddenness, prolonged sitting still) or local (compression, inflammatory or atherosclerotic vascular alterations) treatment may be appropriate.

Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:29 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Formation of blood clots within the veins; blood coagulation, also intravital thrombus formation in the circulatory system. Predilection sites: Heart valves, ears (often spherical thrombus) and left apex, coronary vessels, basal brain vessels, arteria mesenterica (claudicatio abdominalis) and leg arteries as well as veins of the legs and pelvis, rectum (haemorrhoid thrombosis) and arm. Frequently postoperative (and postpartum), mostly on deep leg veins, possibly complicated by thrombemia (e.g. pulmonary embolism). If the tendency to thrombosis is increased, generalized (e.g. cardiac insufficiency, shock, bedriddenness, prolonged sitting still) or local (compression, inflammatory or atherosclerotic vascular alterations) treatment may be appropriate.
