
Translations:Ultrafiltration/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
separation of [[corpuscular|corpuscular]] or [[higher molecular weight|higher molecular weight]] substances as a function of the pore size of the filter membrane by applying [[hydrostatic pressure|hydrostatic pressure]] and recovering large quantities of the filtered liquid.
separation of [[Korpuskulär/en|corpuscular]] or [[Höhermolekular/en|higher molecular weight]] substances as a function of the pore size of the filter membrane by applying [[Hydrostatischer_Druck/en|hydrostatic pressure]] and recovering large quantities of the filtered liquid.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:27 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Ultrafiltration)
Abtrennung von [[korpuskulär|korpuskulären]] oder [[höhermolekular|höhermolekularen]] Stoffen in Abhängigkeit von der Porengröße der Filtermembran durch Anwendung von [[hydrostatischer Druck|hydrostatischem Druck]] und Gewinnung großer Mengen der filtrierten Flüssigkeit.
Übersetzungseparation of [[Korpuskulär/en|corpuscular]] or [[Höhermolekular/en|higher molecular weight]] substances as a function of the pore size of the filter membrane by applying [[Hydrostatischer_Druck/en|hydrostatic pressure]] and recovering large quantities of the filtered liquid.

separation of corpuscular or higher molecular weight substances as a function of the pore size of the filter membrane by applying hydrostatic pressure and recovering large quantities of the filtered liquid.