
Translations:Östrogene/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
From puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and [[collagen]]<nowiki>formation</nowiki> to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower [[cholesterol]] and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.
From puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and [[collagen]]<nowiki>formation</nowiki> to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower [[Cholesterin/en|cholesterol]] and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:27 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Östrogene)
Östrogene haben ab der Pubertät mit der Brustentwicklung, über den monatlichen Zyklus bis hin zum Knochenaufbau und der [[Kollagen]]<nowiki>bildung</nowiki> zur Erhaltung der Hautelastizität, die Hand im Spiel. Sie bewirken die Ausbildung der typischen weiblichen Geschlechtsmerkmale: Brüste, hohe Stimme sowie weibliches Behaarungs- und Fettverteilungsmuster. Sie schaffen die Grundvoraussetzungen für eine Schwangerschaft und für den Sex. Sie wirken stärkend auf Knochen, protektiv auf das Herz und stabilisieren das seelische Gleichgewicht. Östrogene senken den [[Cholesterin]] und führen zu vermehrter Wassereinlagerung im Gewebe.
ÜbersetzungFrom puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and [[collagen]]<nowiki>formation</nowiki> to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower [[Cholesterin/en|cholesterol]] and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.

From puberty onwards, estrogens have a hand in breast development, through the monthly cycle to bone formation and collagenformation to maintain skin elasticity. They cause the development of the typical female sexual characteristics: Breasts, high voice and female hair and fat distribution pattern. They create the basic conditions for pregnancy and sex. They have a strengthening effect on bones, protect the heart and stabilise the mental balance. Estrogens lower cholesterol and lead to increased water retention in the tissue.