
Translations:Kohlenstoffdioxid/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Carbon dioxide, CO<sub>2</sub>, (in normal parlance also carbon dioxide, often wrongly called carbonic acid) is a chemical compound of carbon and [[Sauerstoff/en|oxygen]] and therefore belongs to the group of carbon oxides next to carbon monoxide (also carbon monoxide), carbon suboxide and the unstable carbon trioxide. It is an oxidation product of carbon in cell metabolism, occurs in body fluids as dissolved gas and by reaction with water as carbonic acid H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> and its dissociated form HCO<sub>2</sub>-, as well as their salts (carbonates and bicarbonates). In these different forms it plays an important role in acid-base balance, mineral metabolism, diuresis and respiratory regulation.
Carbon dioxide, CO<sub>2</sub>, is a chemical compound of carbon and [[Sauerstoff/en|oxygen]] and therefore belongs to the group of carbon oxides next to carbon monoxide, carbon suboxide and the unstable carbon trioxide. It is an oxidation product of carbon in cell metabolism, occurs in body fluids as dissolved gas and by reaction with water as carbonic acid H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> and its dissociated form HCO<sub>2</sub>-, as well as their salts (carbonates and bicarbonates). In these different forms it plays an important role in acid-base balance, mineral metabolism, diuresis and respiratory regulation.

Aktuelle Version vom 7. Juli 2019, 15:45 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Kohlenstoffdioxid)
Kohlenstoffdioxid, CO<sub>2</sub>, (im normalen Sprachgebrauch auch Kohlendioxid, oft fälschlich Kohlensäure genannt) ist eine chemische Verbindung aus Kohlenstoff und [[Sauerstoff]] und gehört damit neben Kohlenstoffmonoxid (auch Kohlenmonoxid), Kohlenstoffsuboxid und dem instabilen Kohlenstofftrioxid zur Gruppe der Kohlenstoffoxide. Es ist ein Oxydationsprodukt des Kohlenstoffs im Zellstoffwechsel, kommt in Körperflüssigkeiten als gelöstes Gas und durch Umsetzung mit Wasser als Kohlensäure H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> und ihrer dissoziierten Form HCO<sub>2</sub>-, sowie als deren Salze (Karbonate und Bikarbonate) vor. Spielt in diesen verschiedenen Formen eine wichtige Rolle im Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht, im Mineralstoffwechsel, in der Diurese und in der Atmungsregulation.
ÜbersetzungCarbon dioxide, CO<sub>2</sub>, is a chemical compound of carbon and [[Sauerstoff/en|oxygen]] and therefore belongs to the group of carbon oxides next to carbon monoxide, carbon suboxide and the unstable carbon trioxide. It is an oxidation product of carbon in cell metabolism, occurs in body fluids as dissolved gas and by reaction with water as carbonic acid H<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> and its dissociated form HCO<sub>2</sub>-, as well as their salts (carbonates and bicarbonates). In these different forms it plays an important role in acid-base balance, mineral metabolism, diuresis and respiratory regulation.

Carbon dioxide, CO2, is a chemical compound of carbon and oxygen and therefore belongs to the group of carbon oxides next to carbon monoxide, carbon suboxide and the unstable carbon trioxide. It is an oxidation product of carbon in cell metabolism, occurs in body fluids as dissolved gas and by reaction with water as carbonic acid H2CO3 and its dissociated form HCO2-, as well as their salts (carbonates and bicarbonates). In these different forms it plays an important role in acid-base balance, mineral metabolism, diuresis and respiratory regulation.