
Translations:Makrophagen/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Fixed wikilinks.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
As [[Antigen/en|antigen]]-presenting cells, macrophages have a key function in the [[humoral|humoral immune response]]. They're richly endowed with [[Lysosome Lysosomes]]. They adhere to surfaces with electrical charge, form pseudopodia and are capable of phagocytosis, pinocytosis, storage of small foreign bodies and cell debris, stimulation of [[Proliferation/en|proliferation]] and differentiation of B-[[Lymphozyten/en|lymphocytes]] to [[plasma cells|plasma cells]].
As [[Antigen/en|antigen]]-presenting cells, macrophages have a key function in the [[humoral/en|humoral immune response]]. They're richly endowed with [[Lysosom/en|Lysosomes]]. They adhere to surfaces with electrical charge, form pseudopodia and are capable of phagocytosis, pinocytosis, storage of small foreign bodies and cell debris, stimulation of [[Proliferation/en|proliferation]] and differentiation of B-[[Lymphozyten/en|lymphocytes]] to [[Plasmazelle/en|plasma cells]].

Aktuelle Version vom 9. Juli 2019, 12:19 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Makrophagen)
Als [[Antigen]]-präsentierende Zellen haben Makrophagen eine Schlüsselfunktion bei der [[humoral|humoralen Immunantwort]]. Sind reichlich ausgestattet mit [[Lysosom|Lysosomen]]. Sie haften an Oberflächen mit elektrischer Ladung, bilden Scheinfüßchen (Pseudopodien) und besitzen Fähigkeit zu Phagozytose, Pinozytose, Speicherung kleiner Fremdkörper und von Zelltrümmern, zur Anregung (Stimulierung) der [[Proliferation]] und Differenzierung von B-[[Lymphozyten]] zu [[Plasmazelle|Plasmazellen]].
ÜbersetzungAs [[Antigen/en|antigen]]-presenting cells, macrophages have a key function in the [[humoral/en|humoral immune response]]. They're richly endowed with [[Lysosom/en|Lysosomes]]. They adhere to surfaces with electrical charge, form pseudopodia and are capable of phagocytosis, pinocytosis, storage of small foreign bodies and cell debris, stimulation of [[Proliferation/en|proliferation]] and differentiation of B-[[Lymphozyten/en|lymphocytes]] to [[Plasmazelle/en|plasma cells]].

As antigen-presenting cells, macrophages have a key function in the humoral immune response. They're richly endowed with Lysosomes. They adhere to surfaces with electrical charge, form pseudopodia and are capable of phagocytosis, pinocytosis, storage of small foreign bodies and cell debris, stimulation of proliferation and differentiation of B-lymphocytes to plasma cells.