
Kreatinin/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
Urinary, strongly alkaline metabolic product that irreversibly develops in muscle tissue. The plasma level is 1.07 mg/dl. Excretion with urine is fairly constant (1.0-1.5 g/24 h).  
Urinary, strongly alkaline metabolic product that irreversibly develops in muscle tissue. The plasma level is 1.07 mg/dl. Excretion with urine is fairly constant (1.0-1.5 g/24 h).  
Kreatinin ist ein muskuläres Stoffwechselendprodukt. Es ist das Abbauprodukt des Kreatins. Dieses kommt in den Muskeln des Menschen vor. Es ist ein Stoff, der Energie speichern kann und bei Bedarf (Muskelarbeit) wieder abgegeben werden kann. Ca. 1-2% des Muskelkreatins wird pro Tag zu Kreatinin abgebaut. Das Kreatinin hat - soweit bekannt - keine Funktion und ist somit Abfall. Da Kreatinin fast ausschließlich über die Nieren ausgeschieden wird, ist das Serumkreatinin ein empfindlicher [[Kreatinin, Kreatinin-Clearance|Parameter für die Filtrationsleistung]] der Niere. Er wird häufig bei Blutuntersuchungen standardmäßig bestimmt. Außerdem können mit dem Serumkreatininwert Medikamententherapien mit potenziell schädlicher Wirkung für die Nieren überwacht werden.
Creatinine is a muscular metabolic end product. It's the decomposition product of creatine. This occurs in the muscles of the human being. It is a substance that can store energy and can be released again when needed (muscle work). Approx. 1-2% of the muscle creatine is broken down to creatinine per day. Creatinine - as far as known - has no function and is therefore waste. Since creatinine is excreted almost exclusively via the kidneys, serum creatinine is a sensitive [[creatinine, creatinine clearance|parameter for filtration performance]] of the kidney. It is often determined by default during blood tests. In addition, serum creatinine levels can be used to monitor drug therapies with potentially harmful effects on the kidneys. <sub>([ Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0])</sub> <sub>([ Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0])</sub>

Version vom 16. April 2019, 21:54 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Urinary, strongly alkaline metabolic product that irreversibly develops in muscle tissue. The plasma level is 1.07 mg/dl. Excretion with urine is fairly constant (1.0-1.5 g/24 h).

Creatinine is a muscular metabolic end product. It's the decomposition product of creatine. This occurs in the muscles of the human being. It is a substance that can store energy and can be released again when needed (muscle work). Approx. 1-2% of the muscle creatine is broken down to creatinine per day. Creatinine - as far as known - has no function and is therefore waste. Since creatinine is excreted almost exclusively via the kidneys, serum creatinine is a sensitive parameter for filtration performance of the kidney. It is often determined by default during blood tests. In addition, serum creatinine levels can be used to monitor drug therapies with potentially harmful effects on the kidneys. (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)