
Plasmazelle/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Synonym: Plasmozyt; ovale bis rundliche, nicht-granulierte Zelle (Mono- bis Lymphozytengröße), mit stark basophilem Protoplasma, kleinem exzentrischen Radspeichenkern und hellem Zytoplasmahof (mit Golgi-Apparat) in Kernnähe; reifste Differenzierungsform (enddifferenzierte Form) des B-Lymphozyten (reife B-Zelle) als Produzent von Antikörpern.
Synonym: Plasmocyte; oval to round, non-granular cell (mono- to lymphocyte size), with strong basophilic protoplasm, small eccentric wheel spoke nucleus and bright cytoplasm court (with Golgi apparatus) near the nucleus; mature differentiation form (end-differentiated form) of the B lymphocyte (mature B cell) as producer of antibodies.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:13 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Synonym: Plasmocyte; oval to round, non-granular cell (mono- to lymphocyte size), with strong basophilic protoplasm, small eccentric wheel spoke nucleus and bright cytoplasm court (with Golgi apparatus) near the nucleus; mature differentiation form (end-differentiated form) of the B lymphocyte (mature B cell) as producer of antibodies.