
Translations:Blutgefäße/4/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Auto-translated text.)
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The walls of the larger arteries must also be nourished, therefore small arteries are built into the outer wall, which take over the nourishment and come from the closer environment. Veins and [[lymphatic system|lymphatic vessels]] have valves from intimate pockets that protrude into the lumen as protuberances. They form valves and direct the blood stream or lymph flow to the center.
The walls of the larger arteries must also be nourished, therefore small arteries are built into the outer wall, which take over the nourishment and come from the closer environment. Veins and [[Lymphgefäßsystem/en|lymphatic vessels]] have valves from intimate pockets that protrude into the lumen as protuberances. They form valves and direct the blood stream or lymph flow to the center.

Aktuelle Version vom 21. Mai 2019, 23:24 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Blutgefäße)
Die Wände der größeren Arterien müssen auch ernährt werden, daher sind in die äußere Wandung die Versorgung übernehmende kleine Arterien eingebaut, die aus der näheren Umgebung kommen. Venen und [[Lymphgefäßsystem|Lymphgefäße]] besitzen Klappen aus Intimataschen, die als Ausstülpungen in das Lumen ragen. Sie formen Ventile und richten den Blutstrom oder Lymphstrom''' '''zum Zentrum.
ÜbersetzungThe walls of the larger arteries must also be nourished, therefore small arteries are built into the outer wall, which take over the nourishment and come from the closer environment. Veins and [[Lymphgefäßsystem/en|lymphatic vessels]] have valves from intimate pockets that protrude into the lumen as protuberances. They form valves and direct the blood stream or lymph flow to the center.

The walls of the larger arteries must also be nourished, therefore small arteries are built into the outer wall, which take over the nourishment and come from the closer environment. Veins and lymphatic vessels have valves from intimate pockets that protrude into the lumen as protuberances. They form valves and direct the blood stream or lymph flow to the center.