
Translations:Frank-Starling-Mechanismus/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The Frank-Starling mechanism describes how the [[cardiac]] Ejection volume depends on the changes of pulse, [[preload]] and [[postload]]. If, for example, a person stands up, the preload is reduced in the short term, which is automatically answered with a lower pumping capacity. However, if, for example, physical exercises lead to a higher [[venous]] supply, i.e. more venous blood in front of the [[atrium, atrium|aphoria]], the heart reacts accordingly with a stronger [[ejection performance]].
The Frank-Starling mechanism describes how the [[cardiac]] Ejection volume depends on the changes of pulse, [[Vorlast/en|preload]] and [[postload]]. If, for example, a person stands up, the preload is reduced in the short term, which is automatically answered with a lower pumping capacity. However, if, for example, physical exercises lead to a higher [[Venös/en|venous]] supply, i.e. more venous blood in front of the [[Atrium,_Vorhof/en|aphoria]], the heart reacts accordingly with a stronger [[ejection performance]].

Version vom 21. Mai 2019, 23:24 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Frank-Starling-Mechanismus)
Der Frank-Starling-Mechanismus beschreibt, dass sich das [[kardial|kardiale]] Auswurfvolumen nach den Änderungen von Puls, [[Vorlast]] und [[Nachlast]] richtet. Wenn der Mensch zum Beispiel aufsteht, kommt es kurzfristig zu einer geringeren Vorlast, die automatisch mit einer geringeren Pumpleistung beantwortet wird. Kommt es aber beispielsweise durch körperliche Übungen zu einem höheren [[venös]]en Angebot, also mehr venösem Blut vor den [[Atrium, Vorhof|Vorhöfen]], so reagiert das Herz entsprechend mit einer stärkeren [[Auswurfleistung]].
ÜbersetzungThe Frank-Starling mechanism describes how the [[cardiac]] Ejection volume depends on the changes of pulse, [[Vorlast/en|preload]] and [[postload]]. If, for example, a person stands up, the preload is reduced in the short term, which is automatically answered with a lower pumping capacity. However, if, for example, physical exercises lead to a higher [[Venös/en|venous]] supply, i.e. more venous blood in front of the [[Atrium,_Vorhof/en|aphoria]], the heart reacts accordingly with a stronger [[ejection performance]].

The Frank-Starling mechanism describes how the cardiac Ejection volume depends on the changes of pulse, preload and postload. If, for example, a person stands up, the preload is reduced in the short term, which is automatically answered with a lower pumping capacity. However, if, for example, physical exercises lead to a higher venous supply, i.e. more venous blood in front of the aphoria, the heart reacts accordingly with a stronger ejection performance.