
Translations:Kalzium/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Like other ions, it can be transported through membranes against the concentration gradient by special, voltage-dependent and receptor-dependent calcium channels, by opposing [[sodium]] influx, by [[adenosine triphosphate,_ATP|ATP]]-dependent active transport and by coupling to electron transport.
Like other ions, it can be transported through membranes against the concentration gradient by special, voltage-dependent and receptor-dependent calcium channels, by opposing [[Natrium/en|sodium]] influx, by [[adenosine triphosphate,_ATP|ATP]]-dependent active transport and by coupling to electron transport.

Version vom 21. Mai 2019, 23:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Kalzium)
Wie andere Ionen auch kann es durch spezielle, spannungsabhängige und rezeptorabhängige Kalzium-Kanäle, durch gegenläufigen [[Natrium]]-Einstrom, durch [[Adenosintriphosphat,_ATP|ATP]]-abhängigen aktiven Transport und durch Koppelung an Elektronentransport entgegen dem Konzentrationsgefälle durch Membranen transportiert werden.
ÜbersetzungLike other ions, it can be transported through membranes against the concentration gradient by special, voltage-dependent and receptor-dependent calcium channels, by opposing [[Natrium/en|sodium]] influx, by [[adenosine triphosphate,_ATP|ATP]]-dependent active transport and by coupling to electron transport.

Like other ions, it can be transported through membranes against the concentration gradient by special, voltage-dependent and receptor-dependent calcium channels, by opposing sodium influx, by ATP-dependent active transport and by coupling to electron transport.