
Translations:Kammerwinkel/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Between [[cornea]] (cornea) of the eye and [[iris]] in the anterior chamber of the eye, the aqueous humor drains off. This angle is called the chamber angle and if the structures are not physiological, it can lead to a flow disturbance which causes an increase in the internal pressure in the eye. A long-lasting increase in intraocular pressure leads to the development of [[glaucoma|glaucoma]].
Between [[Hornhaut/en|cornea]] (cornea) of the eye and [[Iris/en|iris]] in the anterior chamber of the eye, the aqueous humor drains off. This angle is called the chamber angle and if the structures are not physiological, it can lead to a flow disturbance which causes an increase in the internal pressure in the eye. A long-lasting increase in intraocular pressure leads to the development of [[Glaukom/en|glaucoma]].

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Kammerwinkel)
Zwischen [[Hornhaut]] (Cornea) des Auges und [[Iris]] in der vorderen Augenkammer fließt das Kammerwasser ab. Dieser Winkel wird Kammerwinkel genannt und wenn die Strukturen nicht physiologisch sind, dann kann es zu einer Abflussstörungen kommen, die eine Steigerung des Innendruckes im Auge hervorrufen. Eine lang anhaltende Augeninnendrucksteigerung führt zur Ausbildung eines [[Glaukom|Glaukoms]].
ÜbersetzungBetween [[Hornhaut/en|cornea]] (cornea) of the eye and [[Iris/en|iris]] in the anterior chamber of the eye, the aqueous humor drains off. This angle is called the chamber angle and if the structures are not physiological, it can lead to a flow disturbance which causes an increase in the internal pressure in the eye. A long-lasting increase in intraocular pressure leads to the development of [[Glaukom/en|glaucoma]].

Between cornea (cornea) of the eye and iris in the anterior chamber of the eye, the aqueous humor drains off. This angle is called the chamber angle and if the structures are not physiological, it can lead to a flow disturbance which causes an increase in the internal pressure in the eye. A long-lasting increase in intraocular pressure leads to the development of glaucoma.