
Translations:Lipide/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
In living organisms lipids are mainly used as structural components in [[cell membranes]], as energy stores or as [[signaling molecules]]. Most biological lipids are [[amphiphilic]], i.e. they have a lipophilic hydrocarbon residue and a hydophilic head group, which is why they form [[micelles] or [[membranes]] in polar solvents such as water. The term [[fats|fats]] is often used as a synonym for lipids, but fats are only a subgroup of lipids (namely the group of [[triglycerides]]).
In living organisms lipids are mainly used as structural components in [[cell membranes]], as energy stores or as [[signaling molecules]]. Most biological lipids are [[amphiphilic]], i.e. they have a lipophilic hydrocarbon residue and a hydophilic head group, which is why they form [[micelles] or [[membranes]] in polar solvents such as water. The term [[Fette/en|fats]] is often used as a synonym for lipids, but fats are only a subgroup of lipids (namely the group of [[Triglyceride/en|triglycerides]]).

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Lipide)
In lebenden Organismen werden Lipide hauptsächlich als Strukturkompenente in [[Zellmembran]]en, als Energiespeicher oder als [[Signalstoff|Signalmoleküle]] gebraucht. Die meisten biologischen Lipide sind [[amphiphil]], besitzen also einen lipophilen Kohlenwasserstoff-Rest und eine  hydophile Kopfgruppe, deshalb bilden sie in polaren Lösungsmitteln wie Wasser [[Mizellen]] oder [[Membran]]en. Oft wird der Begriff [[Fette|Fett]] als Synonym für Lipide gebraucht, jedoch stellen die Fette nur eine Untergruppe der Lipide dar (nämlich die Gruppe der [[Triglyceride]]).
ÜbersetzungIn living organisms lipids are mainly used as structural components in [[cell membranes]], as energy stores or as [[signaling molecules]]. Most biological lipids are [[amphiphilic]], i.e. they have a lipophilic hydrocarbon residue and a hydophilic head group, which is why they form [[micelles] or [[membranes]] in polar solvents such as water. The term [[Fette/en|fats]] is often used as a synonym for lipids, but fats are only a subgroup of lipids (namely the group of [[Triglyceride/en|triglycerides]]).

In living organisms lipids are mainly used as structural components in cell membranes, as energy stores or as signaling molecules. Most biological lipids are amphiphilic, i.e. they have a lipophilic hydrocarbon residue and a hydophilic head group, which is why they form [[micelles] or membranes in polar solvents such as water. The term fats is often used as a synonym for lipids, but fats are only a subgroup of lipids (namely the group of triglycerides).