
Translations:Liquor/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
About 500-700 ml of cerebrospinal fluid are formed daily in all four [[brain ventricle]] ventricles. Since there is only about 150 ml of fluid in the entire cerebrospinal fluid system, the cerebrospinal fluid must be reabsorbed into the [[blood]] pathway. Even relatively small fluctuations in the target volume can lead to negative or positive pressure in the brain area, which can have dramatic consequences.
About 500-700 ml of cerebrospinal fluid are formed daily in all four [[Hirnventrikel/en|brain ventricle]] ventricles. Since there is only about 150 ml of fluid in the entire cerebrospinal fluid system, the cerebrospinal fluid must be reabsorbed into the [[Blut/en|blood]] pathway. Even relatively small fluctuations in the target volume can lead to negative or positive pressure in the brain area, which can have dramatic consequences.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Liquor)
Täglich werden in allen vier [[Hirnkammer]]n – Ventrikeln - etwa 500-700 ml Liquor gebildet. Da sich im gesamten Liquorsystem aber nur etwa 150 ml Flüssigkeit befinden, muss der Liquor in die [[Blut]]bahn rückresorbiert werden. Bereits relativ kleine Schwankungen des Soll-Volumens können zu einem Unter- oder Überdruck im Gehirnbereich führen, was dramatische Folgen haben kann.
ÜbersetzungAbout 500-700 ml of cerebrospinal fluid are formed daily in all four [[Hirnventrikel/en|brain ventricle]] ventricles. Since there is only about 150 ml of fluid in the entire cerebrospinal fluid system, the cerebrospinal fluid must be reabsorbed into the [[Blut/en|blood]] pathway. Even relatively small fluctuations in the target volume can lead to negative or positive pressure in the brain area, which can have dramatic consequences.

About 500-700 ml of cerebrospinal fluid are formed daily in all four brain ventricle ventricles. Since there is only about 150 ml of fluid in the entire cerebrospinal fluid system, the cerebrospinal fluid must be reabsorbed into the blood pathway. Even relatively small fluctuations in the target volume can lead to negative or positive pressure in the brain area, which can have dramatic consequences.