
Translations:Lyse/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
In biology and medicine, lysis refers to the disintegration of a cell through damage to or dissolution of the outer [[cell membrane|cell membrane]]. This occurs in principle in all conceivable tissue damage with cell death, but is of particular importance in the following situations: Within the framework of so-called programmed cell death, physiological, hormonally mediated and genetically controlled apoptosis, e.g. during growth, maturation and tissue differentiation, the lysis of old, superfluous or obstructive cells in the tissue composite finally occurs. For example, the healthy [[immune system|immune system]] uses special T lymphocytes, so-called cytotoxic killer cells, to ensure that degenerate tumour cells or [[viruses|viruses]] or parasite-containing host cells that are recognised as infected are lysed and rapidly degraded. However, the undisturbed replication cycle of many [[viruses|viruses]], the infection cycle, also ends with the lytic bursting of the [[cell membrane|cell membrane]] of the host cell, but then without preferential degradation of the remains: This is the only way that the virus particles matured in the cell are released into the environment.In medical jargon, lysis also stands for thrombolysis, which is usually a drug therapy for blood clots. It is often used in emergency medicine when there is suspicion of a heart attack that is only a few hours old, or in pulmonary embolism, and also in the case of a fresh, confirmed non-bleeding stroke.
In biology and medicine, lysis refers to the disintegration of a cell through damage to or dissolution of the outer [[Zellmembran/en|cell membrane]]. This occurs in principle in all conceivable tissue damage with cell death, but is of particular importance in the following situations: Within the framework of so-called programmed cell death, physiological, hormonally mediated and genetically controlled apoptosis, e.g. during growth, maturation and tissue differentiation, the lysis of old, superfluous or obstructive cells in the tissue composite finally occurs. For example, the healthy [[Immunsystem/en|immune system]] uses special T lymphocytes, so-called cytotoxic killer cells, to ensure that degenerate tumour cells or [[Viren/en|viruses]] or parasite-containing host cells that are recognised as infected are lysed and rapidly degraded. However, the undisturbed replication cycle of many [[Viren/en|viruses]], the infection cycle, also ends with the lytic bursting of the [[Zellmembran/en|cell membrane]] of the host cell, but then without preferential degradation of the remains: This is the only way that the virus particles matured in the cell are released into the environment.In medical jargon, lysis also stands for thrombolysis, which is usually a drug therapy for blood clots. It is often used in emergency medicine when there is suspicion of a heart attack that is only a few hours old, or in pulmonary embolism, and also in the case of a fresh, confirmed non-bleeding stroke.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:25 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Lyse)
Die Lyse bezeichnet in der Biologie und Medizin den Zerfall einer Zelle durch Schädigung oder Auflösung der äußeren [[Zellmembran|Zellmembran]] (Zelltod).Dies kommt im Prinzip bei allen denkbaren Gewebeschäden mit Zelluntergang vor, ist aber in folgenden Situationen von besonderer Bedeutung: Im Rahmen des so genannten programmierten Zelltods, der physiologischen, u.a. hormonell vermittelten und genetisch gesteuerten Apoptose z.B. bei Wachstum, Reifung und Gewebedifferenzierung, kommt es schließlich zur Lyse alter, überflüssiger bzw. hinderlicher Zellen im Gewebeverbund. Das gesunde [[Immunsystem|Immunsystem]] sorgt beispielsweise durch besondere T-Lymphozyten, so genannte zytotoxische Killerzellen dafür, dass entartete Tumorzellen oder als infiziert erkannte [[Viren|Viren]]- oder parasitenhaltige Wirtszellen lysiert und schnell abgebaut werden. Allerdings endet auch der ungestörte Replikationskreislauf vieler [[Viren|Viren]], der Infektionszyklus, mit der lytischen Aufsprengung der [[Zellmembran|Zellmembran]] der Wirtszelle, dann aber ohne bevorzugten Abbau der Überreste: Erst dadurch werden die in der Zelle gereiften Viruspartikel an die Umgebung abgegeben.Im medizinischen Fachjargon steht die Lyse auch als Kurzform für die Thrombolyse, eine meist medikamentöse Therapie gegen Blutgerinnsel, oft notfallmedizinisch bei Verdacht auf nur wenige Stunden alten Herzinfarkt oder bei Lungenembolie, auch bei frischem, gesichertem nicht-blutungsbedingtem Schlaganfall.
ÜbersetzungIn biology and medicine, lysis refers to the disintegration of a cell through damage to or dissolution of the outer [[Zellmembran/en|cell membrane]]. This occurs in principle in all conceivable tissue damage with cell death, but is of particular importance in the following situations: Within the framework of so-called programmed cell death, physiological, hormonally mediated and genetically controlled apoptosis, e.g. during growth, maturation and tissue differentiation, the lysis of old, superfluous or obstructive cells in the tissue composite finally occurs. For example, the healthy [[Immunsystem/en|immune system]] uses special T lymphocytes, so-called cytotoxic killer cells, to ensure that degenerate tumour cells or [[Viren/en|viruses]] or parasite-containing host cells that are recognised as infected are lysed and rapidly degraded. However, the undisturbed replication cycle of many [[Viren/en|viruses]], the infection cycle, also ends with the lytic bursting of the [[Zellmembran/en|cell membrane]] of the host cell, but then without preferential degradation of the remains: This is the only way that the virus particles matured in the cell are released into the environment.In medical jargon, lysis also stands for thrombolysis, which is usually a drug therapy for blood clots. It is often used in emergency medicine when there is suspicion of a heart attack that is only a few hours old, or in pulmonary embolism, and also in the case of a fresh, confirmed non-bleeding stroke.

In biology and medicine, lysis refers to the disintegration of a cell through damage to or dissolution of the outer cell membrane. This occurs in principle in all conceivable tissue damage with cell death, but is of particular importance in the following situations: Within the framework of so-called programmed cell death, physiological, hormonally mediated and genetically controlled apoptosis, e.g. during growth, maturation and tissue differentiation, the lysis of old, superfluous or obstructive cells in the tissue composite finally occurs. For example, the healthy immune system uses special T lymphocytes, so-called cytotoxic killer cells, to ensure that degenerate tumour cells or viruses or parasite-containing host cells that are recognised as infected are lysed and rapidly degraded. However, the undisturbed replication cycle of many viruses, the infection cycle, also ends with the lytic bursting of the cell membrane of the host cell, but then without preferential degradation of the remains: This is the only way that the virus particles matured in the cell are released into the environment.In medical jargon, lysis also stands for thrombolysis, which is usually a drug therapy for blood clots. It is often used in emergency medicine when there is suspicion of a heart attack that is only a few hours old, or in pulmonary embolism, and also in the case of a fresh, confirmed non-bleeding stroke.