
Translations:Sarkomer/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Sarcomeres are the active units of contraction in the [[muscle]][[cell]]. They consist of small strands of [[actin filaments|actin]]- and [[myosin filaments]]n and are activated by [[calcium]] and [[ATP]]. The actin filaments push themselves into the sarcomere. The continuous action shortens the muscle.
Sarcomeres are the active units of contraction in the [[Muskel/en|muscle]][[Zelle/en|cell]]. They consist of small strands of [[Aktinfilamente/en|actin]]- and [[Myosinfilamente/en|myosin filaments]]n and are activated by [[Calcium/en|calcium]] and [[ATP/en|ATP]]. The actin filaments push themselves into the sarcomere. The continuous action shortens the muscle.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:26 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Sarkomer)
Sarkomere sind in der [[Muskel]][[zelle]] die aktiven Einheiten der Kontraktion. Sie bestehen aus kleinen Strängen von [[Aktinfilamente|Aktin]]- und [[Myosinfilamente]]n und werden durch [[Kalzium]] und [[ATP]] aktiviert. Dabei schieben sich die Aktinfilamente in die Sarkomere. Die fortwährende Aktion sorgt für die Verkürzung des Muskels.
ÜbersetzungSarcomeres are the active units of contraction in the [[Muskel/en|muscle]][[Zelle/en|cell]]. They consist of small strands of [[Aktinfilamente/en|actin]]- and [[Myosinfilamente/en|myosin filaments]]n and are activated by [[Calcium/en|calcium]] and [[ATP/en|ATP]]. The actin filaments push themselves into the sarcomere. The continuous action shortens the muscle.

Sarcomeres are the active units of contraction in the musclecell. They consist of small strands of actin- and myosin filamentsn and are activated by calcium and ATP. The actin filaments push themselves into the sarcomere. The continuous action shortens the muscle.