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Version vom 13. Januar 2020, 05:44 Uhr
Muscles with the Myosin are the motors in the human organism. With your help you can move around willingly (striated muscles), the heart regularly pumps the blood through our body (striated myocardium) and many unconscious movements in our body like the peristalsis of the intestinal organs are maintained by muscles (smooth muscles).
So there are three different types of muscles, which also have different structures. Thus
- the smooth musculature and the myocardium each have only one cell nucleus, while the striated skeletal musculature has many cell nuclei.
- the smooth musculature and the myocardium have only a moderately developed sarkoplasmatic reticulum, while this is very pronounced in the skeletal muscle
- the smooth musculature and the myocardium have no motor end plate, while the skeletal musculature is innervated with it.