
Translations:Hämostase/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Auto-translated text.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The haemostasis (from Greek ????? Häma "blood" and ??????? Stasis "congestion, stagnation, stagnation"; also: haemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that stops the bleeding that occurs when blood vessels are injured. This prevents the excessive escape of blood from the blood circulation and creates the conditions for wound healing. In the event of an injury, haemostasis must begin sufficiently quickly to avoid major blood loss. It must be limited to the area of injury and must not be falsely triggered by other events such as inflammation or infection.
Hemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to [[Blutgefäße/en|blood vessels]] to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of [[blut/en|blood]] from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.

Aktuelle Version vom 21. Februar 2022, 07:51 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Hämostase)
Die Hämostase (von griechisch Häma „Blut“ und Stasis „Stauung, Stockung, Stillstand“; auch: Blutstillung, Stypsis) ist ein lebenswichtiger Prozess, der die bei Verletzungen der [[Blutgefäße]] entstehenden Blutungen zum Stehen bringt. Dadurch wird der übermäßige Austritt von [[Blut]] aus dem Blutkreislauf verhindert und die Voraussetzung für eine Wundheilung geschaffen.
ÜbersetzungHemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to [[Blutgefäße/en|blood vessels]] to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of [[blut/en|blood]] from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.

Hemostasis (from Greek hema "blood" and stasis "stasis, stagnation, standstill"; also: hemostasis, stypsis) is a vital process that brings bleeding resulting from injuries to blood vessels to a halt. This prevents excessive leakage of blood from the bloodstream and creates the conditions for wound healing.