
Translations:Gerinnungssystem/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Fixed wikilinks.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The wound plug, initially composed solely of [[Thrombozyten/en|thrombocytes]], is not capable of permanently closing the injured vascular site. This is also a good thing, because otherwise such grafts could sometimes be formed too quickly. The complex coagulation system ensures that coagulation only takes place when it is really needed.
== 1st phase: vascular constriction ==
The blood vessel contracts. This is caused by [[humoral/en|humoral]]e factors together with [[nervous|neuronal]] reflexes and locally triggered [[spasm, spastic|spasm]] of the vessel. The vessel closes as far as it can. Now platelets can cluster here.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Februar 2022, 12:37 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Gerinnungssystem)
== 1. Phase: Gefäßkonstriktion ==
Das Blutgefäß zieht sich zusammen. Dafür sorgen [[humoral]]e Faktoren zusammen mit [[nerval|neuronalen]] Reflexen und lokal ausgelöste [[Spasmus, spastisch|Krämpfen]] des Gefäßes. Das Gefäß schließt sich, soweit es möglich ist. Jetzt können sich hier Thrombozyten zusammenballen.
Übersetzung== 1st phase: vascular constriction ==
The blood vessel contracts. This is caused by [[humoral/en|humoral]]e factors together with [[nervous|neuronal]] reflexes and locally triggered [[spasm, spastic|spasm]] of the vessel. The vessel closes as far as it can. Now platelets can cluster here.

1st phase: vascular constriction

The blood vessel contracts. This is caused by humorale factors together with neuronal reflexes and locally triggered spasm of the vessel. The vessel closes as far as it can. Now platelets can cluster here.