
Translations:Gerinnungssystem/5/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Auto-translated text.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The final strength of the closure plug is achieved by the contraction of the platelets, which are "felted" with their pseudopodia and fibrin threads.
=== Primary thrombus ===
However, this plug, the primary thrombus, is not capable of '''permanently''' closing the injured vessel site. This is a good thing, because otherwise small plugs formed too quickly could become a great danger to the circulation. This plug now slowly dissolves again, because it is only there to close smaller wounds immediately.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Februar 2022, 12:38 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Gerinnungssystem)
=== Primärthrombus ===
Dieser Propf, der Primärthrombus, ist aber nicht in der Lage, die verletzte Gefäßstelle '''dauerhaft''' zu verschließen. Das ist auch gut so, denn sonst könnten zu schnell gebildeten kleine Propfe eine große Gefahr für den Kreislauf werden. Dieser Propf löst sich jetzt wieder langsam auf, denn er ist nur dafür da, kleinere Wunden sofort zu verschließen.
Übersetzung=== Primary thrombus ===
However, this plug, the primary thrombus, is not capable of '''permanently''' closing the injured vessel site. This is a good thing, because otherwise small plugs formed too quickly could become a great danger to the circulation. This plug now slowly dissolves again, because it is only there to close smaller wounds immediately.

Primary thrombus

However, this plug, the primary thrombus, is not capable of permanently closing the injured vessel site. This is a good thing, because otherwise small plugs formed too quickly could become a great danger to the circulation. This plug now slowly dissolves again, because it is only there to close smaller wounds immediately.