
Translations:Gerinnungssystem/9/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
In this process, which normally takes 5 - 7 minutes (gerinnungszeit/en|clotting time), a '''multitude of plastic factors''' are involved in addition to platelets. Procoagulants and anticoagulants in particular work on this, with the procoagulants naturally having the upper hand in the build-up of the so-called '''secondary thrombus'''.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Februar 2022, 12:41 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Gerinnungssystem)
An diesem Vorgang, der normalerweise 5 - 7 Minuten dauert (Gerinnungszeit), ist neben den Thrombozyten eine '''Vielzahl plastischer Faktoren''' beteiligt. Vor allem Prokoagulantien und Antikoagulantien arbeiten daran, wobei beim Aufbau des sogenannten '''Sekundärthrombus''' natürlich die Prokoagulantien die Oberhand behalten.
ÜbersetzungIn this process, which normally takes 5 - 7 minutes (gerinnungszeit/en|clotting time), a '''multitude of plastic factors''' are involved in addition to platelets. Procoagulants and anticoagulants in particular work on this, with the procoagulants naturally having the upper hand in the build-up of the so-called '''secondary thrombus'''.

In this process, which normally takes 5 - 7 minutes (gerinnungszeit/en|clotting time), a multitude of plastic factors are involved in addition to platelets. Procoagulants and anticoagulants in particular work on this, with the procoagulants naturally having the upper hand in the build-up of the so-called secondary thrombus.