
Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:04 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Auto-translated text.)
Deutsch • ‎English

The epididymis (Greek epi "auf" and didymos "doppelt", "Zwilling") is a smaller structure of the two testicles. They are mainly formed by the 4 to 6 m long epididymis duct (Ductus epididymidis).

The Semen is produced in the testicles. It is then transported to the epididymis. They consist of small channels that are 4 - 5 meters long.

Here the sperm mature completely, are stored and enriched with a secretion that inhibits their movement, so that they do not consume the energy stored in them prematurely. Non-functional sperm become phagocytised.

The epididymides are located at the rear and upper part of the testicles and have an iroquoise-like appearance.

Die einfachste Weise, die Nebenhoden zu fühlen, ist nach einem heißen Bad oder einer Dusche, wenn die Hodensackhaut entspannt ist. Manchmal haben Jungs beim Fühlen dieser Anschwellungen Angst, es könnte Krebs sein. Sie sind jedoch ein normaler Teil der männlichen Anatomie.

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebenhoden (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)