
Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:27 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Auto-translated text.)
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Unter der Cutis liegender Hautbereich aus Bindegewebe, in dem die die Haut versorgenden Blutgefäße und Nerven liegen. Die Subcutis stellt die Verbindung zu unter der Haut liegenden Strukturen wie Knochen oder (die Muskeln umschließenden) Faszien dar.

The subcutis is a fat store and insulator. It contains - especially in the hand and the sole of the foot - the father Pacini lamellar bodies, which serve the sensation of vibrations. In the peripheral part of the subcutis, the vessel-gland layer, the stratum glandulovasculare, lie the end pieces of the sweat glands and the larger skin vessels. They provide the arteryenflecht of the corium with blood.

The fatty tissue of the subcutis is very strong capillarized. In the case of obesity, this represents a very great strain on the circulation. (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)