
Prostaglandin/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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durch v. Euler in der Samenflüssigkeit entdeckte und in der - falschen - Annahme, sie würden in der Prostata gebildet, nach dieser benannte Stoffe. Prostaglandine werden in den verschiedensten Körpergeweben aus →Arachidonsäure gebildet und entfalten dort als besonders kurzlebige Zwischenprodukte, bereits in geringsten Konzentrationen vielfältige Wirkungen; besondere Bedeutung der Prostglandine bei der lokalen Regulation der Durchblutung (Entzündungsreaktion), bei endo- und exokriner Drüsenfunktion, Schwangerschaft und Geburt; gelten als membranständige Schutzfaktoren mit pathophysiologischer Bedeutung bei Schmerz, Fieber und Entzündung.
discovered by v. Euler in the seminal fluid and in the - false - assumption that they were formed in the prostate, substances named after it. Prostaglandins are formed in the most diverse body tissues from →Arachidonsäure and unfold there as particularly short-lived intermediate products, already in smallest concentrations various effects; special meaning of the Prostglandine with the local regulation of the blood circulation (inflammation reaction), with endo and exocrine gland function, pregnancy and birth; are considered as membrane-standing protection factors with pathophysiological meaning with pain, fever and inflammation.
Sie wird aus Arachidonsäure durch das Enzym Cyclooxygenase gebildet. Die Prostaglandine haben vor allem als PGE2 und PGE1 eine direkte relaxierende Wirkung auf die Gefäßmuskulatur. Sie erweitern die meisten Gefäße und erhöhen deren Permeabilität es kommt zur Senkung des peripheren Widerstandes und des arteriellen Blutdrucks. Sie wirken als Enzündungsmediatoren.
It is formed from arachidonic acid by the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The prostaglandins, especially PGE2 and PGE1, have a direct relaxing effect on the vascular muscles. They dilate most vessels and increase their permeability, lowering peripheral resistance and arterial blood pressure. They act as inflammation mediators. <sub>([ Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0])</sub> <sub>([ Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0])</sub>

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:15 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

discovered by v. Euler in the seminal fluid and in the - false - assumption that they were formed in the prostate, substances named after it. Prostaglandins are formed in the most diverse body tissues from →Arachidonsäure and unfold there as particularly short-lived intermediate products, already in smallest concentrations various effects; special meaning of the Prostglandine with the local regulation of the blood circulation (inflammation reaction), with endo and exocrine gland function, pregnancy and birth; are considered as membrane-standing protection factors with pathophysiological meaning with pain, fever and inflammation.

It is formed from arachidonic acid by the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The prostaglandins, especially PGE2 and PGE1, have a direct relaxing effect on the vascular muscles. They dilate most vessels and increase their permeability, lowering peripheral resistance and arterial blood pressure. They act as inflammation mediators. (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)