
Vitamin (D3)/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Sammelbegriff (D-Gruppe) für fettlöslösliche, photosensible Sterinderivate; insbes. die Vit. D2 und D3 sowie - als deren natürl. Provitamine - das Ergosterin und 7-Dehydrocholesterin, aus denen sie in der Haut unter UV-Einwirkung entstehen; in der Leber wird 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol und in der Niere 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (Calcitriol, der wirksamste Metabolit) gebildet. Im Körper erfolgt Speicherung; tägliche Bedarf 2-10 μg; bei Überdosierung (D-Hypervitaminos). Mangel führt zu Mineralisationsstörungen, beim Säugling und Kleinkind zu Rachitis, beim Erwachsenen zu Osteomalazie (Knochenerweichung).
Collective term (D group) for fat-soluble, photosensitive sterol derivatives; in particular vitamins D2 and D3 and - as their natural provitamins - ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, from which they are produced in the skin under UV exposure; 25-hydroxycholecalciferol is formed in the liver and 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol, the most effective metabolite) is formed in the kidney. Stored in the body; daily requirement 2-10 μg; in case of overdose (D-Hypervitaminos). Deficiency leads to mineralisation disorders, rickets in infants and young children, osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults.
Das Vitamin D<sub>3</sub>-Hormon wird häufig auch lediglich als Vitamin D abgekürzt. Dabei handelt es sich, streng genommen, nicht um ein echtes Vitamin, da der Körper Vitamin D-Hormon, unter Einfluss von UV-Licht, in der Haut aus Vorstufen selbst herstellen kann. Die Vorstufen des Vitamin D leiten sich vom  Cholesterol ab. Durch biochemische Umwandlungen der Vitamin D-Vorstufen in der Leber und in der Niere entsteht schließlich die wirksame Form des Vitamin D-Hormons, das 1,25-(OH)<sub>2</sub>-Cholecalciferol . Dieses kann der Mensch auch über den Verdauungstrakt aufnehmen.
The vitamin D<sub>3</sub>-hormone is also often abbreviated as vitamin D. Strictly speaking, this is not a real vitamin, since the body can produce vitamin D hormone itself from precursors in the skin under the influence of UV light. The precursors of vitamin D are derived from cholesterol. Biochemical transformations of vitamin D precursors in the liver and kidneys finally lead to the effective form of vitamin D hormone, 1,25-(OH)<sub>2</sub>-Cholecalciferol . Man can also absorb this via the digestive tract.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:35 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

Collective term (D group) for fat-soluble, photosensitive sterol derivatives; in particular vitamins D2 and D3 and - as their natural provitamins - ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, from which they are produced in the skin under UV exposure; 25-hydroxycholecalciferol is formed in the liver and 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol, the most effective metabolite) is formed in the kidney. Stored in the body; daily requirement 2-10 μg; in case of overdose (D-Hypervitaminos). Deficiency leads to mineralisation disorders, rickets in infants and young children, osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults.

The vitamin D3-hormone is also often abbreviated as vitamin D. Strictly speaking, this is not a real vitamin, since the body can produce vitamin D hormone itself from precursors in the skin under the influence of UV light. The precursors of vitamin D are derived from cholesterol. Biochemical transformations of vitamin D precursors in the liver and kidneys finally lead to the effective form of vitamin D hormone, 1,25-(OH)2-Cholecalciferol . Man can also absorb this via the digestive tract.