
Tier garant/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Bei einer Abrechnung nach „tier garant“ schickt der Arzt die Rechnung an den Patienten. Dieser kontrolliert sie und bezahlt das Honorar an den Arzt. Durch Senden des Rückforderungsbeleges an die Krankenkasse erhält der Patient gemäss seinem gewählten Versicherungsmodells einen Teil der Kosten von seiner Krankenkasse erstattet.
In the case of "animal guarantee" billing, the doctor sends the invoice to the patient. The doctor checks them and pays the fee to the doctor. By sending the reclaim receipt to the health insurance fund, the patient receives a portion of the costs reimbursed by his health insurance fund in accordance with his chosen insurance model.

Aktuelle Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:30 Uhr

Deutsch • ‎English

In the case of "animal guarantee" billing, the doctor sends the invoice to the patient. The doctor checks them and pays the fee to the doctor. By sending the reclaim receipt to the health insurance fund, the patient receives a portion of the costs reimbursed by his health insurance fund in accordance with his chosen insurance model.