
Translations:Mikrozirkulation/3/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The movement of the [[erythrocytes| erythrocytes]] takes place passively under the influence of the plasma flow and under elastic deformation (armor chain rotation of the membrane); the less flexible nucleus-containing blood cells ([[lymphocytes| lympho-]] and [[leukocytes]]), on the other hand, can cause the local blood flow to be reduced. Slow down blood flow; carried [[thrombocytes]] - if not clumping - do not cause any significant flow obstruction. Functional acceleration of microcirculation manifests itself in hyperemia (increased blood volume). Disturbances of microcirculation result from a marked reduction in blood pressure (e.g. in shock), narrowing and displacement of the small arteries and capillaries (e.g. arterial occlusive disease, microembolia, venous backwater ([[thrombosis]]), increased [[blood viscosity]].
The movement of the [[erythrocytes| erythrocytes]] takes place passively under the influence of the plasma flow and under elastic deformation (armor chain rotation of the membrane); the less flexible nucleus-containing blood cells ([[Lymphozyten/en|lympho-]] and [[Leukozyten/en|leukocytes]]), on the other hand, can cause the local blood flow to be reduced. Slow down blood flow; carried [[Thrombozyten/en|thrombocytes]] - if not clumping - do not cause any significant flow obstruction. Functional acceleration of microcirculation manifests itself in hyperemia (increased blood volume). Disturbances of microcirculation result from a marked reduction in blood pressure (e.g. in shock), narrowing and displacement of the small arteries and capillaries (e.g. arterial occlusive disease, microembolia, venous backwater ([[Thrombose/en|thrombosis]]), increased [[Blutviskosität/en|blood viscosity]].

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:26 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Mikrozirkulation)
Die Bewegung der [[Erythrozyt|Erythrozyten]] erfolgt hier unter Einfluss der Plasmaströmung passiv und unter elastischer Verformung (Panzerkettenrotation der Membran); die weniger flexiblen kernhaltigen Blutzellen ([[Lymphozyten|Lympho-]] und [[Leukozyten]]) können dagegen die örtl. Blutströmung verlangsamen; mitgeführte [[Thrombozyten]] bewirken - wenn nicht verklumpend - keine nennenswerte Strömungsbehinderung. Funktionelle Beschleunigung der Mikrozirkulation äussert sich in Hyperämie (vermehrte Blutfülle). Störungen der Mikrozirkulation ergeben sich bei ausgeprägter Blutdruckminderung (z.B. bei Schock), bei Einengung und Verlegung der kleinen Arterien und Kapillaren (z.B. arterielle Verschlusskrankheit, Mikroembolien, venösem Rückstau ([[Thrombose]]), vermehrter [[Blutviskosität]].
ÜbersetzungThe movement of the [[erythrocytes| erythrocytes]] takes place passively under the influence of the plasma flow and under elastic deformation (armor chain rotation of the membrane); the less flexible nucleus-containing blood cells ([[Lymphozyten/en|lympho-]] and [[Leukozyten/en|leukocytes]]), on the other hand, can cause the local blood flow to be reduced. Slow down blood flow; carried [[Thrombozyten/en|thrombocytes]] - if not clumping - do not cause any significant flow obstruction. Functional acceleration of microcirculation manifests itself in hyperemia (increased blood volume). Disturbances of microcirculation result from a marked reduction in blood pressure (e.g. in shock), narrowing and displacement of the small arteries and capillaries (e.g. arterial occlusive disease, microembolia, venous backwater ([[Thrombose/en|thrombosis]]), increased [[Blutviskosität/en|blood viscosity]].

The movement of the erythrocytes takes place passively under the influence of the plasma flow and under elastic deformation (armor chain rotation of the membrane); the less flexible nucleus-containing blood cells (lympho- and leukocytes), on the other hand, can cause the local blood flow to be reduced. Slow down blood flow; carried thrombocytes - if not clumping - do not cause any significant flow obstruction. Functional acceleration of microcirculation manifests itself in hyperemia (increased blood volume). Disturbances of microcirculation result from a marked reduction in blood pressure (e.g. in shock), narrowing and displacement of the small arteries and capillaries (e.g. arterial occlusive disease, microembolia, venous backwater (thrombosis), increased blood viscosity.