
Translations:Renin/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
[[proteinase]] from the [[epithelium]]<nowiki />cells of the [[juxtaglomerular apparatus|juxtaglomerular apparatus]], which is released upon acute reduction of plasma volume and blood pressure and catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, from which the [[enzyme]] [[ACE]] which is formed indirectly and via three different mechanisms with a strong hypertensive effect [[Angiotensin II]].
[[Proteinase/en|proteinase]] from the [[Epithel/en|epithelium]]<nowiki />cells of the [[Juxtaglomerulärer_Apparat/en|juxtaglomerular apparatus]], which is released upon acute reduction of plasma volume and blood pressure and catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, from which the [[Enzym/en|enzyme]] [[ACE/en|ACE]] which is formed indirectly and via three different mechanisms with a strong hypertensive effect [[Angiotensin_II/en|Angiotensin II]].

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:26 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Renin)
[[Proteinase]] aus den [[Epithel]]<nowiki />zellen des [[juxtaglomerulärer Apparat|juxtaglomerulären Apparats]], welche bei akuter Senkung von Plasmavolumen und Blutdruck freigesetzt wird und die Umwandlung von Angiotensinogen in Angiotensin I katalysiert, woraus wiederum durch das [[Enzym]] [[ACE]] das indirekt und über drei verschiedene Mechanismen stark blutdrucksteigernd wirkende [[Angiotensin II]] gebildet wird.
Übersetzung[[Proteinase/en|proteinase]] from the [[Epithel/en|epithelium]]<nowiki />cells of the [[Juxtaglomerulärer_Apparat/en|juxtaglomerular apparatus]], which is released upon acute reduction of plasma volume and blood pressure and catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, from which the [[Enzym/en|enzyme]] [[ACE/en|ACE]] which is formed indirectly and via three different mechanisms with a strong hypertensive effect [[Angiotensin_II/en|Angiotensin II]].

proteinase from the epitheliumcells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, which is released upon acute reduction of plasma volume and blood pressure and catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, from which the enzyme ACE which is formed indirectly and via three different mechanisms with a strong hypertensive effect Angiotensin II.