
Translations:Thalamus/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Auto-translated text.)
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
All information from the environment or inner world of the body - from the [[spinal cord]], [[brain stem]] and also from the [[cerebellum]] - reaches the nuclei of the thalamus via ascending orbital systems. There they are collected, interconnected and processed before they are fed via projection paths to the [[cerebral cortex]] where they are processed into conscious sensations.
All information from the environment or inner world of the body - from the [[Rückenmark/en|spinal cord]], [[brain stem]] and also from the [[Kleinhirn/en|cerebellum]] - reaches the nuclei of the thalamus via ascending orbital systems. There they are collected, interconnected and processed before they are fed via projection paths to the [[Großhirnrinde/en|cerebral cortex]] where they are processed into conscious sensations.

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Mai 2019, 00:27 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Thalamus)
Alle Informationen aus der Umwelt oder Innenwelt des Körpers – vom [[Rückenmark]], [[Hirnstamm]] und auch vom [[Kleinhirn]] – gelangen über aufsteigende Bahnsysteme zu den Kernen des Thalamus. Dort werden sie gesammelt, miteinander verschaltet und verarbeitet, bevor sie über Projektionsbahnen der [[Großhirnrinde]] zugeleitet  und dort zu bewussten Empfindungen verarbeitet werden.
ÜbersetzungAll information from the environment or inner world of the body - from the [[Rückenmark/en|spinal cord]], [[brain stem]] and also from the [[Kleinhirn/en|cerebellum]] - reaches the nuclei of the thalamus via ascending orbital systems. There they are collected, interconnected and processed before they are fed via projection paths to the [[Großhirnrinde/en|cerebral cortex]] where they are processed into conscious sensations.

All information from the environment or inner world of the body - from the spinal cord, brain stem and also from the cerebellum - reaches the nuclei of the thalamus via ascending orbital systems. There they are collected, interconnected and processed before they are fed via projection paths to the cerebral cortex where they are processed into conscious sensations.