
Translations:Makrophagen/2/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Fixed wikilinks.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
They are long-lived, mobile cells of the [[Monozyt/en|monocytic system]] that originate from blood monocytes and together with local macrophages (tissue macrophages) form the [[monocyte-macrophage system (MMS)|mononuclear phagocyte system]] (reticulohistiocytic system).
They are long-lived, mobile cells of the [[Monozyt/en|monocytic system]] that originate from blood monocytes and together with local macrophages (tissue macrophages) form the [[Monozyten-Makrophagen-Systems (MMS)/en|mononuclear phagocyte system]] (reticulohistiocytic system).

Aktuelle Version vom 9. Juli 2019, 12:17 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Makrophagen)
Sie sind langlebige, aus Blutmonozyten hervorgehende, bewegliche Zellen des [[Monozyten|monozytären Systems]], die zusammen mit ortsständigen Makrophagen (Gewebsmakrophagen) das [[Monozyten-Makrophagen-Systems (MMS)|mononukleäre Phagozytensystem]] bilden (retikulohistiozytäres System).
ÜbersetzungThey are long-lived, mobile cells of the [[Monozyt/en|monocytic system]] that originate from blood monocytes and together with local macrophages (tissue macrophages) form the [[Monozyten-Makrophagen-Systems (MMS)/en|mononuclear phagocyte system]] (reticulohistiocytic system).

They are long-lived, mobile cells of the monocytic system that originate from blood monocytes and together with local macrophages (tissue macrophages) form the mononuclear phagocyte system (reticulohistiocytic system).