
Translations:Gerinnungssystem/4/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Fixed wikilinks.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
It is activated at the site of the injury at the same time as the complex platelet processes take place. Its clearly slower process ends in the formation of [[Fibrin/en|fibrin]] threads, which spin through the wound graft in a net-like manner and usually also deposit in the immediate vicinity of the graft, whereby abundant [[erythrocytes]] are included.
It is activated at the site of the injury at the same time as the complex platelet processes take place. Its clearly slower process ends in the formation of [[Fibrin/en|fibrin]] threads, which spin through the wound graft in a net-like manner and usually also deposit in the immediate vicinity of the graft, whereby abundant [[Erythrozyt/en|erythrocytes]] are included.

Version vom 9. Juli 2019, 19:20 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Gerinnungssystem)
== 2. Phase: Primäre Hämostase durch Thrombozytenaggregation ==
Zunächst wird ein Wundpfropf allein aus den im Blut vorhandenen [[Thrombozyten]] erstellt:
ÜbersetzungIt is activated at the site of the injury at the same time as the complex platelet processes take place. Its clearly slower process ends in the formation of [[Fibrin/en|fibrin]] threads, which spin through the wound graft in a net-like manner and usually also deposit in the immediate vicinity of the graft, whereby abundant [[Erythrozyt/en|erythrocytes]] are included.

It is activated at the site of the injury at the same time as the complex platelet processes take place. Its clearly slower process ends in the formation of fibrin threads, which spin through the wound graft in a net-like manner and usually also deposit in the immediate vicinity of the graft, whereby abundant erythrocytes are included.